Multi Vendor Subscribers#


VOSS Automate supports multi vendor subscribers, which allows you to provision and manage services from one or more vendors on the VOSS Automate platform. For example, to use both Microsoft meeting and collaboration tools and Cisco tools.

Single Vendor and Multi Vendor Subscribers

VOSS Automate supports provisioning for a number of categories of subscriber, representing either a single or multi vendor deployment:

Single or Multi Vendor


Single vendor subscriber

Subscribers using services from a single vendor, for example, either all Cisco services, or all Microsoft services.

Multi vendor subscriber

Subscribers using services from two or more vendors.

Multi vendor hybrid subscriber

Subscribers using services from two or more vendors, with services configured for integration, for example, with dial plans and routing.

Related Topics

View and Manage Multi Vendor Subscribers#

This procedure displays and updates multi vendor subscribers.


On a multi vendor subscriber’s configuration details form, you can also manage the subscriber via any quick actions available on the page, but note the following:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) User Management > User Services > Multi Vendor Subscribers.

  2. View the summary list of the multi vendor subscribers.


    The table describes a few caveats around icons in the Services column of the list view:

    Users with Microsoft services

    • The Voice icon (phone) displays only when the user has a feature type of PhoneSystem enabled, which means that they’re licensed for the voice service in Microsoft Entra.

    • The Collaboration icon (cloud) displays only when the user has a feature type of Teams enabled, which means that they’re licensed for Microsoft Teams IM/collaboration in Microsoft Entra.

    • The Feature type field displays read-only values in Quick Subscriber.

    Users with Webex App

    Included icons may be for collaboration, conferencing, voice, and/or voicemail, provided the user has the required license. For example:

    • The Conferencing icon (monitor) displays when the user has a license where the name of the license (the pattern) contains the text “meeting” (for example, “Meeting 25”).

    • The Collaboration icon (cloud) displays when the user has a license where the name of the license (the pattern) contains the text “messag” (for example, “Messaging”).

    Headset and phone

    A headset icon displays in the Services column for users that have a headset connected to an associated phone.

  3. Manage multi vendor subscribers from the list view. For example, you can:

    • Filter the list

    • Add a new multi vendor subscriber

    • Move multi vendor subscribers (one or more)

    • Delete multi vendor subscribers (one or more)


      For all multi vendor subscribers you delete from the list view, their services are also deleted, and, if applicable, their hybrid status is updated. Additionally, when deleting Microsoft multi vendor subscribers, they are also off-boarded (that is, their licenses are removed).

      The VOSS user is retained only for LDAP or MS365 users.

  4. To view or update the settings of a selected multi vendor subscriber, click on the subscriber in the list view to open their configuration details page. Here you can:

    • Choose an entitlement profile

    • View and manage phones and lines


      For subscribers with associated softphones, the phone product model name displays below the Phone icon on the cards. This is useful where the subscriber has multiple phones and you need to easily distinguish between different phone models.

    • Delete the multi vendor subscriber.


      When deleting a multi vendor subscriber:

      • If applicable, the subscriber’s hybrid status is updated

      • Non-Microsoft multi vendor subscriber - deletes the subscriber along with their services

      • Microsoft multi vendor subscriber - deletes the subscriber along with their services, and offboards the subscriber (removes their license)

      • Bottom-up LDAP multi vendor subscriber - device/cucm/User and data/User is deleted

      • LDAP or MS365 users - the VOSS user is retained:

        • Top-down LDAP user - deletes the user, and retains the data/User and device/ldap user instances are

        • Microsoft provisioned user - data/User is retained if there is an associated Microsoft user

    • View and manage existing and available services


      For users with multiple remote destinations associated to their single number reach (SNR), the Cisco Single Number Reach card on the management page displays only the first associated SNR remote destination profile and the first associated remote destination to that SNR.


      For users licensed with a Webex Calling Professional license, the following cards also display on their User Details view:

      • Webex Devices: for devices available to the user

      • Webex Voicemail: if the Voicemail setting is enabled, options for sendAllCalls, sendBusyCalls, sendUnansweredCalls, edit link to Voicemail.

      • Webex Calling Settings: Barge In, Caller ID, Call Forward, Call Recording, Call Waiting, Intercept, edit link to Calling Settings.

      The image shows users with Webex App, and how they show up in the the list view and on their configuration details page:


Example: Multi vendor subscriber with Cisco services


Example: Multi vendor subscriber with Microsoft Teams


Example: Multi vendor subscriber’s headset settings


Example: Multi vendor subscriber - Cisco Webex App User with Webex Calling Professional license, showing Cisco Webex App User Calling Settings


Related Topics

Merge Two Users into a Single Multi Vendor Subscriber#

VOSS Automate provides a merge tool for consolidating duplicate user accounts from two different vendors (two data/User instances with the same email address) that have been imported from different vendors, into a single, Cisco-Microsoft multi vendor subscriber.

This case is required where you have imported two user accounts from different vendors, for example, Cisco and Microsoft, and you add or update their email addresses to the same email address. In this case, the merge tool workflow (Merge_Relation_User workflow) is triggered when it finds the duplicate email address for the two data/User instances.

You can use the view for the merge tool (view/ConsolidateUsers) to define the primary user (which is retained once merged), and the secondary user (which is deleted once merged). The services of the secondary user will then be merged into the primary user.

When consolidating these two accounts, the default provisioning workflow of the merge tool (ConsolidateUsers) copies details of the secondary user into the primary user, and moves any device models associated with the secondary user to the hierarchy of the primary user:

  • Copies the username (Cisco or Microsoft) of the secondary user to the primary user

  • Copies the Zoom username of the secondary user to the primary user

  • Copies the email address of the secondary user to the primary user

  • Copies the email address to the Cisco subscriber, if the primary CUCM user is local

  • Deletes the secondary user (the data/User instance of the secondary user

Once successfully merged, a log entry is added to data/HcsUserManagementLogDAT, and the primary user is assigned a VOSS username, as a multi vendor subscriber.


  • The secondary user cannot be a CUCM user (Cisco subscriber) as it cannot be deleted. Only secondary users that match the primary user can be merged.

  • The secondary user cannot be configured as a hybrid user - remove this setting before merging users.

  • The merge tool does not allow consolidation of the user accounts if both the primary and secondary user accounts are CUCM users.

Quick Actions for Multi Vendor Subscriber#

Quick actions allow you to easily access frequently used activities, for example, to reset a PIN or password, or to add a subscriber. Multi vendor subscriber includes a set of quick actions that are configured via the multi vendor subscriber field display policy (MultiVendorFDP; fallback FDP is default).

Quick actions added to the MultiVendorFDP field display policy (FDP) appear as links on the Quick Actions card on the management page of the selected multi vendor subscriber.

While some quick actions are also available as stand-alone features or functionality that can be accessed via a menu or landing page link (or via the Search bar), other quick actions, such as Update User (Cisco UCM), are only available as a quick action. Additionally, the availability of a quick action also depends on the user type or the environment, for example, Cisco or Microsoft, multi vendor or hybrid.


Quick action links trigger the following behavior in the system:

  • Some quick actions, such as Update User (Cisco UCM), are only available as a quick action link that launches a dialog (or overlay) on the current page, and allows you to perform a specific action (related to the quick action).

  • Some quick actions are shortcuts to a menu or landing page for the feature, such as the Quick Subscriber (Cisco UCM) or Quick Subscriber (MS) link, which opens the Quick Add Subscriber page directly from the quick link.

  • In some cases, the quick action launches a dialog (or overlay) on the current page for performing a specific action related to the quick action, such as Add to Hunt Group or Remove from All Hunt Groups, while the full functionality for the feature is also available via a menu or landing page.

    In this case, you may also access the functionality via the menu (or fill out the feature name, for example, Hunt Groups, in the Admin Portal Search bar, and press Enter to locate the page).

The table describes the available quick actions:

Reset PIN/Password

  • For Cisco users, this option depends on the user type and their services

  • Microsoft users, only the VOSS password is relevant, and only for admin users

  • Launches a dialog specific to the quick action on the page

Update Services

  • Subscribers with a Cisco user (CUCM) provisioned, in linked or standard sites.

  • Opens the Update Services page, where you can reconfigure a user’s provisioned services and their settings, including description fields, labels, display names, E164 masks, INI settings, and Jabber device names.

Reassign Services

  • Subscribers with a Cisco user (CUCM) provisioned

  • A MACD function that allows you to efficiently assign the services, device profiles, lines, Jabber clients, entitlement profile, and E164 masks settings of an existing user to a different user. The internal number inventory (INI) description field is also updated with the name of the new user. This functionality makes it easier to move an existing staff member’s services, desk phone, and telephone numbers to a new staff member, while creating a new voicemail box.

Delete all Services

  • All users

  • Removes all the subscriber’s services. For Microsoft subscribers, their licenses are also removed and they are off-boarded.

  • Click on the warning to confirm (Yes/No) whether to delete all services


  • All users

  • Performs a non-cached GET to refresh device models for all services from external devices, including (where applicable), Cisco user and services, Pexip, UCCX, Webex App user and config, and Microsoft user and services.

Quick Subscriber (Cisco UCM)

  • Cisco Quick Subscriber is launched with the username filled in based on the selected user.

  • Cisco UCM should be provisioned at the necessary hierarchy level (above or at the user’s hierarchy level).

  • The multi vendor subscriber FDP should include the qa_cucm_qas quick action.

  • The administrator access profile should have read and view permissions for view/QuickSubscriber.

Quick Subscriber (MS)

  • MS Quick Subscriber is launched with the username filled in based on the selected user.

  • Microsoft Tenant provisioned should be provisioned at the necessary hierarchy level (above or at the user’s hierarchy level).

  • The multi vendor subscriber FDP should include the qa_ms_qas quick action.

  • The administrator access profile should have read and view permissions for view/MicrosoftSubscriberQas.

Update User (Cisco UCM)

  • Multi vendor subscribers only

  • The Update User (Cisco UCM) modal form is launched where you can:

    • Enable IM and Presence

    • Update the selected line as the IPCC extension to use when the subscriber is also a contact centre agent

    • Add or update Conference Now (ad hoc) via CUCM, assigns a meeting number, and create an access code

  • The user is an existing Cisco user (device/cucm/User).

  • The multi vendor subscriber FDP should include the qa_update_cisco_user quick action.

  • The administrator access profile should have the necessary add, read and update permissions for device/cucm/User.

Update Subscriber (Profile)

  • Multi vendor environment

  • Launches the Add Subscriber from Profile page, with the username filled in based on the selected user.

  • The multi vendor subscriber FDP should include the qa_update_subscriber_from_profile quick action.

  • The administrator access profile should have read and view permissions for view/AddSubscriberFromProfile.

  • Cisco UCM or Microsoft Tenant should be provisioned at the necessary hierarchy level (above or at the user’s hierarchy level).

Add to Hunt Group

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Access to the feature (Hunt Groups) is also available from a menu/landing page

Remove from all Hunt Groups

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Access to the feature (Hunt Groups) is also available from a menu/landing page

Add to Call Pickup Group

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Launches a dialog on the page, where you can choose the line and the call pickup group

  • Access to the feature (Call Pickup Groups) is also available from a menu/landing page

Remove from all Call Pickup Groups

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Triggers a warning on the subscriber’s page, asking you to confirm (Yes/No) whether to remove the user from all call pickup groups

  • Access to the feature (Call Pickup Groups) is also available from a menu/landing page

Login Phone

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Access to the feature (EM Login) is also available from a menu/landing page

Logout Phone

  • Cisco subscribers (Cisco only, or hybrid environment)

  • Access to the feature (EM Logout) is also available from a menu/landing page

Move Subscriber

  • Cisco subscribers only, Microsoft subscribers only, or hybrid Cisco-Microsoft environment

  • For Microsoft subscribers, MS Teams users are also moved.

  • The quick link opens the Move Subscriber feature

  • Access to the feature (Move Subscriber) is also available from a menu/landing page

Update Group Membership

  • Microsoft subscribers (Microsoft only, or hybrid environment)

  • Launches a dialog that lists the MS 365 groups that you can assign to or remove from association with a user. If the MS 365 group you’re assigning or removing has licenses assigned, the licenses are also applied or removed.

    See: Manage Group Membership.

Microsoft Exchange

  • Microsoft subscribers (Microsoft only, or hybrid environment)

  • Launches a dialog that opens device/msexchangeonline/UserMailbox to allow for the edit of the MS subscriber mailbox.

    See: Manage Group Membership.

Related Topics

Configure Quick Actions for Multi Vendor Subscribers#

This procedure configures the quick actions that display on the Quick Actions card when viewing a multi vendor subscriber.

To configure the quick actions that display on the card:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Customizations > Field Display Policies.

  2. In the list view, search for and click on the default multi vendor subscriber field display policy (MultiVendorFDP).

  3. Clone the FDP, then edit the clone for your requirements:

    • Fill out a name and a description for the FDP.

    • Leave the target model type as relation/MultiVendorSubscriber.

    • For Display Groups As, choose whether the default display is panels, tabs, or fieldsets.

    • Click the down arrow at Quick Actions, then configure the fields to display:


      Leave the Quick Actions card in its default position at the top of the dashboard.

      See Enable Multi Vendor Subscribers

      • Add fields to the card by selecting and moving fields from Available to Selected.

      • Remove fields by selecting and moving fields from Selected to Available.


      You must select valid fields for the model (allowed services), which in this case is relation/MultiVendorSubscriber.

      Only valid fields will display on the service cards once you apply the FDP. For multi vendor subscriber, valid field names are prefixed mvs_user_qa, where:

      • mvs is the alias for multi vendor subscriber*

      • _qa is Quick Action

      If a service or action is disallowed in the global settings or in the entitlement profile, or if required servers are not installed for the service, the system verification check does not allow display of the service or action on the Subscriber management dashboard (defined via the FDP), and the subscriber can’t be provisioned with this service.

  4. Click Save.

    The next time you view the Quick Actions for a selected multi vendor subscriber, you’ll be able to use the quick action to update the subscriber.

Update Cisco User via Quick Actions#

This feature allows you to enable or disable IM and Presence, to choose the IPCC extension, and to define whether the user has permissions to host a conference.


Conference Now is a Cisco Call Manager Ad Hoc conference service, available only to Cisco users. See the Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) documentation for more information about Conference Now.



  • The Update Cisco User quick action is only available for Cisco users who are also multi vendor subscribers, via the Quick Actions card on the Multi Vendor Subscriber editing form.

  • The field for this quick action (mvs_user_qa.qa_update_cisco_user) must be added to the Multi Vendor Subscriber’s field display policy (MultiVendorFDP), in the Quick Actions card, via (default menus) Customizations > Field Display Policies.

To update a Cisco user for IM and Presence and/or Conference Now:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) User Management > User Services > Multi Vendor Subscribers.

  2. Click on the relevant subscriber.

  3. In the Quick Actions, click Update Cisco User to open the dialog, then update the Cisco user:

    • To enable IM and Presence, select IM and Presence Enable.

    • Select the IPCC extension from the drop-down.


      The IPCC Extension drop-down lists the line/route partitions associated with this user.

    • To enable Conference Now, select Enable User to Host Conference Now. When enabling Conference Now:

      • The meeting number displays in the read-only Meeting Number field.

      • You can fill out an access code in the Attendees Access Code field.

  4. Click Submit.