Add or Update a Schedule#

This procedure displays and edits existing schedules, and adds a new schedule.


VOSS Automate also provides a tool to deactivate and reactivate schedules in bulk, if required. See Deactivate and Activate Schedules.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal and select the relevant hierarchy.

  2. Go to (default menus) Administration Tools > Scheduling to open the Scheduling list view.

  3. View existing schedules in the summary list view, which include a number of attributes for each schedule.


    Resource attributes are used for filtering when you want to choose a resource.

  4. Choose an option:

    • To edit a schedule, click on the relevant schedule to open its configuration page. Make the changes you require, then click Save.

    • To add a new schedule, click the Plus (+) icon to add a new record. Go to the next step to configure the schedule.

  5. Mandatory. At Schedule Name, fill out a name for the schedule.

  6. Optional. At Owner, fill out the name of the schedule owner.

  7. Mandatory. At Schedule Type, choose an option, either Multi Execution or Single Execution.

    A new tab/panel displays on the page, either Multiple Executions or Single Execution, depending on the option you choose for Schedule Type.

    Fill out relevant schedule execution details:

    Single Execution

    • At Execution Date and Time, choose a date and time from the calendar date/time picker.

    • Choose the execution timezone.

    Multiple Executions

    Choose one or more of the following options:

    • Use Specific Executions

    • Use Calendar Executions

    • Use Timed Executions

    Fill out the fields for the option/s you selected.

    When choosing two or more options, the first scheduled time takes priority.

    If a schedule is in a state where the last executed and next execution time are equal, the next execution time is recalculated to ensure its execution.

  8. At the Active checkbox, define whether to activate scheduled syncs. Clear the checkbox to disable the schedule.


    When enabling the schedule in this step, and there is a “next execution” in the past, the sync executes immediately, once you save.

    However, if Skip execution on activation is enabled, the sync executes on the newly calculated next scheduled execution date and time.

    When Active is selected, you can (optionally) add one or more scheduled resources. In this case, at Scheduled resources, configure the following:

    1. Click the Plus icon (+) to configure an action to execute on a resource.


      You can schedule one or more actions or one or more resource types, and choose resource attributes for each.

    2. At Action, choose an action (e.g. Execute).

    3. Choose a Resource Type (resources that can be executed, for example, data/DataSync).

    4. For the selected resource type, at Resource Attribute, choose a unique identifier (the resource attribute, which is used for filtering when choosing the resource type, which is typically name).

    5. At Resource, select the value of the resource attribute. For example, if the attribute is name, then the name of the resource.

    6. At Perform Action, select or clear the checkbox to enable or disable the resource scheduled action.

    7. Repeat this step to add additional scheduled resources.

  9. At Skip execution on activation, define whether to skip the immediate execution of a pending scheduled sync when activating the schedule (via the Active checkbox in the previous step).


    Selecting Skip execution on activation prevents a situation where, for example, you wish to pause the execution of scheduled syncs for a period, perhaps to perform an upgrade. Post-upgrade, when activating the schedule, a number of pending syncs may execute immediately. This setting clears pending scheduled syncs so that the schedule executes again only at the next scheduled execution time, after the schedule is set to active.

  10. Click Save to create (or update) the schedule.

    The schedule you added (or updated) displays in the Scheduling list view.