Network Device Lists (NDLs)#

A network device list (NDL) is a list of network devices that are assigned to a site. NDLs are defined at the customer hierarchy level, and a customer can have multiple NDLs.

Only a Provider or Reseller administrator may create NDLs.

Shared UC applications (UC apps defined above the customer hierarchy level) can be included in an NDL. However, to use that NDL, the customer must be defined as allowing shared UC applications.

Each NDL can contain one instance each of the available devices. For example, for Cisco, one of each of the following: HCM-F, CUCM, CUC, Cisco WebEx. In this case, only Cisco HCM-F is required.


  • References to HCM-F and Shared Data Repository (SDR) are only relevant if installed. The HCM-F device is pre-populated in the NDL and should not be changed.

  • UC application clusters are linked to a customer only once the NDL is created.

Network Device Lists at Sites#

The following rules apply to NDLs, network devices, and device models at site hierarchies:

For a site which references a NDL, device models cannot exist at this site if these belong to a network device not referenced in the NDL.


  1. A device model from a device cannot be added to it if it has a NDL referencing a different device.

  2. A NDL cannot be added to it if it has device models that references a different network device than the one referenced in the NDL.

Choosing a Network Device List (NDL)#

If an administrator at a hierarchy has access to more than one NDL, the option to choose a specific hardware group or list may be needed in order to provision a set of devices.

The Rule Model Device Selection Type model solves this problem, and instances of it are a set of rules for views and relations at a hierarchy level. A particular NDL can then be selected from a popup form before the Add form of these model types are shown. In this way, the administrator can then select the specific required NDL.

When an instance of the Rule Model Device Selection Type model is added, the target relation or view is specified and more than one set rules can be added for it - one for each relevant Hierarchy Node Type.

In addition, a Default GUI Rule that is applied to the Relation or View is reflected as the Default value for the Permitted Hierarchy Node Type.

In addition to this behavior, these rules apply:

  • The NDL popup is only available for Relations and Views.

  • Device form fields are filtered according to the device listed in the selected NDL.

  • More than one type of device is supported for the selected NDL.

  • Any Provisioning Workflow Network Device Filters (NDF) override a selected NDL device choice.

  • Only the Add operation supported.

  • For details on NDL popups, refer to the topic on Network Device List Selection Rules Advanced Configuration in the Advanced Configuration Guide.

Add a Network Device List (NDL)#

This procedure adds a new network device list (NDL).

  1. Log in as a provider or reseller administrator.

  2. Go to (default menus) Customer Management > Network Device Lists.

  3. Choose a customer on the hierarchy tree where the NDL is to be created.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Enter a name for the NDL, and optionally a description.

  6. For each available network device that you wish to add to the NDL:

    • Click the Plus (+) to display the search field.

    • Click the down-arrow at the search field to select the reference instance.


    For CUCM and CUC, only publisher nodes display in the drop-downs.

    • Click Save.

Edit or Delete a Network Device List (NDL)#

Once you’ve assigned a NDL to any site, you can’t delete it; you can only make the following changes:

  • The NDL name can be changed.

  • The NDL description can be changed.

  • New devices can be added.

Deleting an unassigned NDL does not remove the associated customer dial plans or the assigned UC apps.

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