Viewing Logs#

Once a file name is known, the particular log can be viewed with log view <logfile>. For example: log view process/mongodb.router.log.

When the log file is viewed, it can be searched for a particular regular expression using the forward slash /, as when using the less command.

A log file can also be watched or followed with log follow <logfile> The Unix command equivalent is: tail –f, so quit with Ctrl-C.

Log entries in the voss-deviceapi/ directory have key-value pairs. The keys are as follows:

  • hostname - the hostname of the server

  • level - debug level

  • message - the actual log message

  • name - module where log occurred

  • parent process id - Linux process parent id

  • process id - Linux process id

  • request uuid - identifier to group all logs generated in a request.

  • user - user that generated the log

  • user hierarchy - user that generated the log’s hierarchy.

  • txn_id - in logs that generate transactions (e.g. not in request.log) - the transaction uuid

  • txn_seq_id - in logs that generate transactions (e.g. not in request.log) - transaction ID as seen in the Admin Portal

  • toplevel_txn_seq_id - in logs that generate transactions (e.g. not in request.log) - toplevel transaction ID

Note that the system will attempt to auto-complete the prefix if it uniquely identifies a file, for example:

log view process/nginx