Create Line Reports for a Site#

This procedure creates a report of all lines configured at a site.


You can use the report information to determine which lines you must move before deleting the site.

The report shows:

  • The hierarchy node of the line’s corresponding DN inventory

  • Whether the line is shared within the site

  • A list of all the phones that reference the line

  • The owner and hierarchy node of each phone that references the line

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the customer for which you want to create a site line report.

  3. Choose Administration Tools > Reports > Create Line Report.

  4. From the Site Hierarchy drop-down, choose the site for which you want to create the line report.

  5. Click Save.

A line report for each line in the selected site is generated.

Next Steps

View line reports.