Maintenance Mode#

CLI commands are available to place the VOSS Automate system in a maintenance mode to suspend any scheduled transactions. Scheduled transactions that are in progress, will be allowed to complete.

See also: Cluster Commands.

Maintenance Mode Commands#

  • Put node or cluster into maintenance mode

    • On a single node in a cluster: system maintenance-mode start

    • For all nodes in a cluster: cluster maintenance-mode start

    Running this command prompts for confirmation and then shows:

    System is now in maintenance mode

    When the node or cluster is in maintenance mode:

    • Upon login on the CLI or when obtaining a health report, e.g. diag health, the message is then shown:

    • No scheduled Platform tasks will be started while in maintenance mode.

    • No scheduled Automate transactions will be started while in maintenance mode.

  • Check the status of the system maintenance mode

    • On a single node in a cluster: system maintenance-mode status

    • For all nodes in a cluster: cluster maintenance-mode status

    The command returns two messages - current status and scheduled status, for example

    System is in maintenance mode
    System is not scheduled for maintenance mode
  • Take node or cluster out of maintenance mode

    • On a single node in a cluster: system maintenance-mode stop

    • For all nodes in a cluster: cluster maintenance-mode stop

    Running the command requests confirmation and then shows:

    System is now out of maintenance mode
    • Scheduled tasks will resume once the system is out of maintenance mode.