License Audit Report File Details#

The License Audit Report process will generate the following file types as output:

  • detailed - csv file - license audit report file.

  • license - Zip File - which contains the following file types:

    • anonymous - csv file - anonymous version of the license audit report file

    • anonymous _breakdown - csv file - anonymous file containing a few key statistics from the platform - used for support purposes

    • patch - JSON file - list of patches applied to the system as shown About > Extended Version - used for support purposes

    • adaptation_log - JSON file - list of adaptations applied on the system as shown in About > Adaptation Status - used for support purposes.

    • .hash for each file to validate the file

All filenames are of the format:


E.g.  vlf_CS-P_VOSS_detailed_legacy_2024-03-05_1958

Detailed and Anonymous License Audit Report file format#


The detailed version is a CSV file containing the hierarchy names for ease of understanding the data.

The header of the file contains metadata about the platform the file was generated on such as platform IDs, licensing info, version, and other similar data.

The main content of the file is an export of the Overall License count data as available via the admin portal. For details of the counting for each column, see License Counting Logic.

An example of the file:

#Platform ID=5e54067d116fa10046313224
#Provider Name=CS-P
#Software Version=21.4
#Platform Version=21.4.0-1630252949
#Deployment Mode=Provider with HCMF
#Date Time=2022-11-19 13:11
#License Token=[Token or <license-token-not-found>]
#License Expiry=[Date-time or <license-expiry-not-found>]
#Audit Version=4.1.5
Provider,Reseller,Customer,Customer PKID,One Phone & Spark (No VM & No WebEx), \
One Phone (No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),One Phone & VM (No WebEx), \
One Phone & WebEx,Multiple Phones,Users With More Than 10 Phones, \
UCM User (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No SNR & No Spark), \
SNR (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark), \
VM (No Phone & No EM & No WebEx),WebEx (No Phone & No EM), \
Spark (No Phone & No EM & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx), \
EM & Spark (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx), \
EM (No Phone & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark), \
EM & SNR (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark), \
EM & VM (No Phone & No WebEx),EM & WebEx (No Phone), \
Standalone Phones (No UCM User),Standalone WebEx (No UCM User), \
Standalone Voicemail (No UCM User),Contact Center Enterprise, \
Contact Center Express,Standalone Spark (No UCM User),Public Sector, \
Inactive Billing,Standalone Analog Ports (No UCM User), \
Standard Users with Spark,MS Teams (No Voice),MS Teams & Voice, \
MS Teams & Voice & Exchange,MS O365 User (no Teams), \
Cisco and MS Integrated Service,Multi-vendor Users,PexIP only, \
Phone Server Phones,Site Count


For licensing:

  • OrgID is the account id from the Customer Portal: Company Information.


Filename format:


The anonymous version of the file contains a slightly modified version of the detailed file removing the hierarchy names and replacing it with a customer pkid. The rest of the file content is the same as the detailed version outlined above. For more details on the hierarchy differences - see License Counting Logic. Here is an example of the anonymous file:

#Platform ID=5e54067d116fa10046313224
#Provider Name=CS-P
#Software Version=21.4
#Platform Version=21.4.0-1630252949
#Deployment Mode=Provider with HCMF
#Date Time=2022-11-19 13:11
#License Token=[Token or <license-token-not-found>]
#License Expiry=[Date-time or <license-expiry-not-found>]
#Audit Version=4.1.5
Customer PKID,One Phone & Spark (No VM & No WebEx),One Phone (No VM & No WebEx & No Spark), \
One Phone & VM (No WebEx),One Phone & WebEx,Multiple Phones,Users With More Than 10 Phones, \
UCM User (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No SNR & No Spark), \
SNR (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),VM (No Phone & No EM & No WebEx), \
WebEx (No Phone & No EM),Spark (No Phone & No EM & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx), \
EM & Spark (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx),EM (No Phone & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark), \
EM & SNR (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark),EM & VM (No Phone & No WebEx), \
EM & WebEx (No Phone),Standalone Phones (No UCM User),Standalone WebEx (No UCM User), \
Standalone Voicemail (No UCM User),Contact Center Enterprise,Contact Center Express, \
Standalone Spark (No UCM User),Public Sector,Inactive Billing, \
Standalone Analog Ports (No UCM User),Standard Users with Spark,MS Teams (No Voice), \
MS Teams & Voice,MS Teams & Voice & Exchange,MS O365 User (no Teams), \
Cisco and MS Integrated Service,Multi-vendor Users,PexIP only,Phone Server Phones, \
Site Count

Notes on Vendor Services#

  • Cisco

    • Phones (basically anything that is a phone in UCM) - hardphones, soft clients, mobility clients, ATAs (analog), SCCP analog ports. Excludes other Analog gateway ports MGCP/H323 as these can’t be associated to a user

    • A user’s associated devices as well as a phone’s ownerUserName are used to determine if a phone belongs to the user or is standalone

    • EM Profile = (device/cucm/deviceprofile associated to the UCM user)

    • VM (device/cuc/User)

    • Webex (device/webex/User) - relates to Webex Meetings

    • SNR (device/cucm/RemoteDestinationProfile)

    • Spark - Webex Teams (device/spark/User)

    • Contact Center - UCCX/UCCE

    • In the case of these services, only instances at the Site level are counted.

  • Microsoft

    • O365

    • MS Teams

    • Exchange

    • Meeting Rooms

  • PexIP

    • Conferencing

  • VOSS Phone Server


Refer to the detailed notes following the table below for additional information.

Audit Details Table#

Download licensing-audit-details-sheet.csv

Licensing Audit Details Sheet#




VOSS License

Customer PKID

Customer hierarchy pkid on the system

PKID of the data/HierarchyNode for the Customer in the system

N - Info

One Phone (No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)

Number of Subscribers with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) but without VM, WebEx or Webex App Services.

device/cucm/user with 1 Phone VM=no Webex=no Spark=no no specific spark check but flows out the count below that takes the spark = yes

Y - Essential

One Phone & Spark (No VM & No WebEx)

Number of Subscribers with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) and Webex App service but without VM or WebEx Meeting Services.

device/cucm/User with 1 Phone VM=no Webex=no Spark=yes

Y - Premium

One Phone & VM (No WebEx)

Number of Subscribers with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) and VM but without WebEx Services.

device/cucm/User 1 Phone VM=yes Webex=no

Y - Premium

One Phone & WebEx

Number of Subscribers with one device (Hard or Soft Phone) and WebEx.

device/cucm/User 1 Phone Webex=yes

Y - Premium

Multiple Phones

Number of Subscribers with more than one device (Hard or Soft Phone). No checks for other services since multiple devices means standard which covers all other services anyway

device/cucm/User More than 1 Phone. 1 license for every 10 phones (2-10 phones = 1 license, 11-20 = 2 licenses

Y - Premium

Users With More Than 10 Phones

Number of Subscribers with more than 10 devices (Hard or Soft Phone) so they are consuming more than 1 license.

Subset of multiple phones users with >10 phones

N - Info

UCM User (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No SNR & No Spark)

Number of Subscribers without any services and without an Extension Mobility Profile. Likely extra LDAP synced users, etc.

device/cucm/User 0 Phones 0 EM Profiles VM=no Webex=no SNR=no

N - Info

SNR (No Phone & No EM & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)

Number of Subscribers that only have the SNR service enabled.

device/cucm/User 0 Phone 0 EM Profile VM=no Webex=no SNR=yes (RDP configured)

Y - Essential

VM (No Phone & No EM & No WebEx)

Number of Subscribers (so has UCM user) that only have the VM service enabled.

device/cucm/User 0 Phone 0 EM Profile VM=yes Webex=no

Y - Premium

WebEx (No Phone & No EM)

Number of Subscribers (has UCM user) that only have the WebEx (Meetings) service enabled.

device/cucm/User 0 Phone 0 EM profile Webex=yes

Y - Premium

Spark (No Phone & No EM & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx

Number of Subscribers (has UCM user) that only have the Spark (Webex app) service enabled.

device/cucm/user 0 Phone 0 EM Profile Spark = yes

Y - Premium

EM & Spark (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx)

Number of Subscribers with an Extension Mobility profile and Spark (Webex App) service but without VM or WebEx Services.

device/cucm/User 1 or more EM profiles 0 Phone VM=no Webex=no Spark=yes

Y - Premium

EM (No Phone & No SNR & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)

Number of Subscribers with an Extension Mobility profile but without any device or other services.

device/cucm/User 1 or more EM profiles 0 Phone VM=no Webex=no Spark=no

Y - Essential

EM & SNR (No Phone & No VM & No WebEx & No Spark)

Number of Subscribers with an Extension Mobility profile and Remote Destination Profile but without devices or services.

device/cucm/User 1 or more EM profiles SNR=yes (RDP configured) 0 Phone VM=no Webex=no Spark=no

Y - Essential

EM & VM (No Phone & No WebEx)

Number of Subscribers with an Extension Mobility profile and VM but without devices or WebEx service.

device/cucm/User 1 or more EM profiles 0 Phone VM=yes Webex=no

Y - Premium

EM & WebEx (No Phone)

Number of Subscribers with an Extension Mobility profile and WebEx service but without devices.

device/cucm/User 1 or more EM profiles 0 Phone Webex=yes

Y - Premium

Standalone Phones (No UCM User)

Number of phones in the system that are not assigned to a Subscriber.

device/cucm/Phone instances not associated to any users through CUCM user associated devices OR Ownerid on the Phone

Y - Essential License for any devices above agreed standalone allocation (if relevant)

Standalone WebEx (No UCM User)

Number of standalone WebEx Meetings accounts in the system (no corresponding UCM user).

device/webex/user where no device/cucm/user exists

Y - Premium

Standalone Voicemail (No UCM User)

Number of VM only accounts in the system (no corresponding UCM user).

device/cuc/user where no matching (same userid) device/cucm/user exists

Y - Premium

Contact Center Enterprise

Number of Contact Center Enterprise users in the system (UCCE).

device/ccdm/user - excluded from other UCM User columns

Y - Contact Center license

Contact Center Express

Number of Contact Center Express users in the system (UCCX).

device/uccx/Agent - excluded from other UCM User columns

Y - Contact Center license

Standalone Spark (No UCM User)

Number of standalone Spark (Webex App) users in the system at any level. This means a Spark (Webex App) user without a corresponding UCM user.

device/spark/user where no device/cucm/user exists

Y - Premium

Public Sector

Flag that indicates if the Customer has been flagged as a public sector customer.

Flag on the customer - public sector.

N - Info - public sector pricing and customer list agreement

Inactive Billing

Flag that indicates if the Customer marked inactive

Flag on customer - inactive billing

N - Info

Standalone Analog Ports (No UCM User)

Number of Analog phones in the system that are not assigned to a Subscriber.

device/cucm/Phone record with product = Analog Phone Only covers SCCP analog ports since they show up as phones (ANXXXX devicename)

N - Info, included in Standalone Phones count. So just for info

Standard Users with Spark

Number of Subscribers with multiple devices, other services (e.g VM and/or WebEx) and Spark (Webex App) service.

All device/spark/user users minus other spark columns (one device and standalone). Note - this is not additive, it is the subset of all the standard counts above that have Spark

N - Info, included in Spark counts above above)

MS Teams (No Voice)

Number of Users licensed for Teams but does not have Enterprise Voice enabled - e.g Messaging, Conference, etc. Only appears if licensed in O365 - FeatureType includes some value(s) other than PhoneSystem. If the FeatureTypes list is empty or null, that record is not counted as a license regardless of the license type. Only counted if user does not also have Cisco

device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser Record exists AND accountEnabled = true AND EnterpriseVoiceEnabled=false AND FeatureTypes does NOT contain PhoneSystem. Any level in the hierarchy (not site only). NOTE - if featureType is blank it is excluded from the count

N - Info (may need to review as time goes on)

MS Teams & Voice

Number of Microsoft Teams users under the Customer who are enabled for Enterprise Voice. If FeatureType includes PhoneSystem and EnterpriseVoice is enabled. Only counted if user does not also have Cisco

device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser exist AND accountEnabled = true AND FeatureTypes contains PhoneSystem AND enterprisevoiceenabled = true AND device/msexchangeonline/UserMailbox NOT exists Any level in the hierarchy (not site only)

Y - Premium

MS Teams & Voice & Exchange

Number of Microsoft Teams users under the customer who are enabled for Enterprise Voice and have Exchange mailboxes. FeatureType includes PhoneSystem and Exchange Mailbox exists for the user. Only counted if user does not also have Cisco

device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser exist AND accountEnabled = true FeatureTypes contains PhoneSystem AND enterprisevoiceenabled=true AND device/msexchangeonline/UserMailbox exists Any level in the hierarchy (not site only)

Y - Premium

MS O365 User (no Teams)

Number of Microsoft Office 365 users that are licensed but license does not include Microsoft Teams. Only counted if user does not also have Cisco

device/azureadonline/MsolUser OR device/msgraph/MsolUser exist AND Licensed=true AND Csonlineuser does not exist Any level in the hierarchy (not site only)

N - info

Cisco and MS Integrated Service

Number of Subscribers under the Customer with the VOSS integrated Cisco and Microsoft services. (aka Hybrid). Provides a view of users with integrated multi-vendor via VOSS feature vs non-integrated multi-vendor (next column).

data/User where mvs_hybrid_status is not blank Counted in the MSFT/Cisco counts above - so indicated relevant users for additional Hybrid license.

Y - Incremental Hybrid SKU

Multi-vendor user

Number of Subscribers under the Customer with devices from multiple vendors, e.g. Cisco and Microsoft. (excluding Hybrid). Typically counted as part of the Cisco numbers if they have Cisco as one service.

User that falls into multiple license columns - see multi-vendor notes below the table

Not integrated just parallel services for the user (i.e not counted in the integrated column above above).

N - info

PexIP only

Number of users under the Customer only provisioned with Pexip Conference service.

device/pexip/conference Record exists and email does not match a licensed user (Cisco or MS).

Y - Premium

Phone Server Phones

Number of VOSS Phone Server phones set up under the Customer.

data/PRS_MultiVendorPhone_DAT record exists for each phone

Y - Phone Server (See comment below)

Site Count

Number of Sites under the customer

Count of data/HierarchyNode where type = Site and under Customer

N - info but used for some contracts

Notes on Audit Details Table#

Microsoft columns detailed notes:

  • Are only counted if the user only has Microsoft services. For instance: if the user has Cisco and Microsoft, then the user is included in the relevant Cisco column and excluded from the Microsoft count.

Phone detailed notes:

  • Phones (anything that is a phone in UCM) - hard phones, soft clients, mobility clients, ATAs (analog), and SCCP gateway ports

    • CTI Ports are excluded from the counts (these do not consume a license)

    • Spark Remote Device is excluded from the user count if they have more than one phone (i.e. Spark Remote Device is not their only phone).

  • A phone being associated with a user for the license count is driven by:

    • Association to user driven by the Subscriber/UCM User setting for associated devices (aka controlled devices). This is how VOSS associates the device with the user in the system (e.g relation Subscriber, self-service, etc).

    • ownerID on the Phone (in the event the association above is not set up). This is to cover cases when overbuild might have been used and association is not set up correctly per the above.

    • If the phone does not fall into either of the above, then it is counted as a Standalone Phone.


    If the phone has an ownerID set but that UCM user is not in the VOSS system (i.e no device/cucm/User records for the user - e.g not synced in, etc) then the ownerID is ignored and it is counted as a standalone phone

Spark detailed notes:

  • UCM user at site that has a Spark user somewhere (including intermediate node beneath site) - then that will initiate the search for Spark and it will look up/down as needed and count as a premium user or other subscriber permutation. E.g. UCM User at site and Spark user at site = appropriate Subscriber column. UCM User at site, Spark user at Customer = appropriate Subscriber column Spark user without a UCM user at site level - then search initiated by Spark.

  • If the UCM user is at the same level or lower, then it will count as premium. If UCM user higher or non-existent, then counts as standalone Spark. E.g. Spark User at customer level, UCM user at customer level = Premium. Spark User at site, UCM user at customer = Standalone Spark.

Multi-vendor column notes:

  • Counted if the user has more than one of:

    • device/cucm/User

    • device/cuc/User

    • device/cucm/Phone

    • device/webex/User

    • device/spark/User

    • device/ccdm/Agent

    • device/uccx/Agent

    • device/msgraph/MsolUser

    • device/msteamsonline/CsOnlineUser

    • device/azureadonline/MsolUser

    • device/pexip/Conference


  • UCM: Unified Communications Manager

  • UCCX: Unified Contact Center Express

  • UCCE: Unified Contact Center Enterprise

  • EM: Extension Mobility profile

  • VM: Voicemail

  • SNR: Single Number Reach

  • Public Sector: boolean flag on Customer to indicate public sector customer. Can be set with an API call or on the GUI Customer form.

  • MS O365: Microsoft Office 365

  • MS Teams: Microsoft Teams