Enable Multi Vendor Subscribers#


This procedure enables and sets up multi vendor subscriber, and involves the following tasks:

  • Enable relevant Global Settings.

  • Configure the multi vendor field display policy (MultiVendorFDP).

  • Configure entitlement profiles.

  • Verify that you have appropriate servers installed and configured.

Related Topics

Step 1: Enable Multi Vendor Subscriber in the Global Settings#

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal.

  2. Select the hierarchy.


    The global setting to enable multi-vendor is typically defined at the customer hierarchy, although it may be enabled/disabled at any level.

  3. Go to (default menu) Customizations > Global Settings.

  4. On the Enabled Services tab, enable services, as required.

  5. Save your changes.


    For new installs of VOSS Automate, once a CUCM is imported and a customer hierarchy and some sites have been created, CUCM services are enabled by default at system level; other services must be enabled, as required. The Global Settings are retained on upgrade.

Step 2: Configure the Multi Vendor Subscriber Field Display Policy#

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Customizations > Field Display Policies.

  2. Click on the default multi vendor field display policy (MultiVendorFDP) to open its editing screen.

  3. Click the toolbar Clone icon to create a copy of the default FDP.


    • It is recommended that you clone default templates rather than overwriting default settings.

    • The multi vendor FDP is associated with the model relation/MultiVendorSubscriber.

  4. Edit the cloned multi vendor FDP for your requirements:

    • To add a new card, click the Plus icon (+); then, configure the card.

    • To delete a card, click the Minus icon (-).

    • To edit a card, click the down-arrow on the card to display editing options:

      • Click Move Up or Move Down to rearrange the position of cards.


        It is recommended that you leave the User Details card and the Quick Actions in their default positions at the top of the dashboard.

      • Change card titles.

      • Choose whether to display the card as a fieldset with columns.

      • Define the actions you require in the Quick Actions.

      • Add fields to a card by selecting and moving fields from Available to Selected.

      • Remove fields by selecting and moving fields from Selected to Available.


      Select valid fields for the model (allowed services). Only valid fields will display on the service cards once you apply the FDP.

      Check the field naming convention when choosing fields, for example:

      • Field names prefixed account_information are valid for the User Details card.

      • Field names prefixed cisco_webex are valid for Webex.

      • Multi vendor field name formats, such as mvs_user_qa, where:

        • mvs is the alias for multi vendor subscriber*

        • _qa is Quick Action

        For example, the mvs_user_qa.qa_update_group_membership field allows for the Update Group Membership quick action which opens a transfer box containing a list of MS 365 groups that can be assigned to or removed from the user. If the MS 365 groups have licenses assigned to them, these will then also respectively be applied to or removed from the user. See also the Quick Add Group assigned to the user: Multi Vendor Subscribers and Quick Add Subscriber Groups.

        If a service or action is disallowed in the global settings, entitlement profile, or if required servers are not installed for the service, the system verification check does not allow display of the service or action on the Subscriber management dashboard (defined via the FDP), and the subscriber cannot be provisioned with this service. For example, if the Microsoft service is disabled in Global Services, then quick actions such as MS Quick Subscriber, MS Subscriber Staging and MS Quick Offboard Subscriber are not available.

  5. Save your changes.

Step 3: (Optional) Configure Entitlement Profiles for Multi Vendor#

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Entitlement > Profiles.

  2. Click on the relevant entitlement profile to open its editing screen.

  3. Select the services you wish to enable for the profile.

  4. Save your changes.

Step 4: Verify Servers#

To verify that you have the appropriate servers installed and configured:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Apps Management.

  2. Select the relevant server, for example, for CUCM, select CUCM > Servers to view and manage the servers.

  3. Repeat this step to verify the presence of all required servers.