Support for synchronous and asynchronous request resulting in transactions, is controlled by the nowait parameter in the request URL. The support for asynchronous request handling is indicated in the API schema structure actions with the support_async property.

The outline of the default synchronous transaction response of mutator transactions when the API parameter nowait is set to be false, is as follows:

  "pkid": "51f7e09bd0278d4b28e981da",
  "model_type": "data/CallManager",
  "meta": {
    "parent_id": {
      "pkid": "51f7d06ad0278d4b34e98134",
      "uri": "/api/data/HierarchyNode/51f7d06ad0278d4b34e98134"
    "summary_attrs": [
        "name": "description",
        "title": "Description"
        "name": "host",
        "title": "Host Name"
        "name": "port",
        "title": "Port"
    "uri": "/api/data/CallManager/51f7e09bd0278d4b28e981da"
  "success": true

The outline of the synchronous response to asynchronous mutator transactions when the API parameter nowait is set to be true, is as follows:

  "href": "/api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808",
  "success": true,
  "transaction_id": "cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808"

To retrieve (for example by polling) the transaction status of any mutator transactions, use the transaction_id in the synchronous response to the asynchronous mutator transaction as follows:

GET /api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808

The response contains the status ad replay action URL, for example:

 "meta": {
        "model_type": "tool/Transaction",
         "name": "name",
         "title": "Name"
        "references": {}
           "replay": {
             "class": "execute",
             "href": "/api/tool/Transaction/cfe8a8fd-98e6-4290-b0c3-2dfa2224b808/
             "method": "GET",
             "title": "Replay"
 "data": {
       "status": "Completed",
       "username": "sysadmin",
       "resource": {
        "hierarchy: "sys",
        "after_transaction": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/?
          cached=5268f2eba616540a736b926c Entity",
        "current_state": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/ Entity",
        "before_transaction": "/api/data/GeneralHelp/5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5/
          ?cached=5268c7d3a616540a766b91f7 Entity",
        "pkid": "5268c7d3a616540a766b91f5",
        "model_type": "data/GeneralHelp",

This mechanism can be used to retrieve the transaction status of any transaction or its sub-transaction, using the pkid of the (sub) transaction.

For the View model, the GET call to tool/Transaction/[trans pkid] shows the View resource has no instance pkid, because a view model stores no instances.