Language Filters#


Provider administrators or higher can manage multi-site, multi-country customers by setting geo-specific information using the Site Defaults Doc. Using this information, administrators can use custom Configuration Templates (as in the Quick Add Group for Quick Add Subscriber), to set this information on a per-site level.

Timezones and languages in VOSS Automate are populated with the required Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) timezones and languages. These are typically selected from the relevant drop-down lists as described under Modify Site Defaults.


You must only add timezone and language codes in VOSS Automate that match the installed timezones and languages on the associated CUC Server. The names entered must uniquely describe the timezone and code.

Related Topics

Add a Language Filter#

To add a custom Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) language filter:

  1. Log in as provider administrator or higher.

  2. Choose Apps Management > CUC > Language Filters to see a list of language filters currently in VOSS Automate.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter the following:

    1. Installed Language Code - this is a mandatory field, and must match a language code installed on the associated Cisco Unity Connection Server.

    2. Language Name - this is a mandatory field, and must be a unique description for the language code above.

  5. Click Save.