Unity User Templates#

The list of user templates shown on the input form are those that are most often changed. Own templates can be added as new entries and options selected from the available drop-downs.

Additional required fields can be added by selecting a created Configuration Template containing these from the CUC User Template CFT drop-down.


Field Name


Unity User Template

Mechanism to enter an unlimited number of user templates.


Free text field to enter the User Template Alias.

Display Name

Free text field to enter the User Template Display Name.

Based On Template

Drop-down providing a list of Unity configured templates to use as the required reference.

Phone System

Drop-down providing the Unity configured phone system.

Class Of Service

Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Class of Service.


Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Partitions.

Search Scope

Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Calling Search Spaces.

Message Aging Policy

Drop-down providing the Unity configured and available Message Aging Policies.

CUC User Template CFT

The VOSS configuration template, which will be used to populate the unexposed fields of a User Template.