Self-service Feature Display Policy#

The Self-service Feature Display Policy is used by an administrator to determine which features or services are available to the Self-service user on the Self-service UI. These are typically available on both the toolbar and dashboard.


The configuration templates that are selected on the Phones, Personal Phones tabs may not contain macro values for Line Settings (nested Line Array fields), since these are not supported in VOSS Automate Self-service.

On the Phones, Personal Phones and Voicemail tabs, there are two similar check boxes (one associated with entitlement, the other not). For example, on the Voicemail tab, the first check box is labelled User can enable Voicemail (Add a Voicemail Account) and the second check box is labelled User can enable Voicemail only if the user is entitled to Voicemail.

If the Entitlement Feature is used, that is an Entitlement Profile is associated to the subscriber on the Entitlement Profile drop-down on the Subscriber Management > Subscribers screen, then select the second check box. If an Entitlement Profile is not associated to the subscriber, then select the first check box, as the second check box is no longer applicable.

In a similar way, select the appropriate check boxes on the the Phones and Personal Phones tabs.

Availability of features/services is configured using the following tabs on the Self-service Feature Display Policy screen:

  • Details

    Shows/hides the My Availability and Speed Dials/Busy Lamp Fields areas and associated functionality. This controls the ability to add and manage speed dials and busy lamps.

    The Enable (CFWD Only) Minimal Mode checkbox controls the user Self-service UI. If enabled, the user is presented with a minimal interface suitable for mobile devices with only the functionality to set call forwarding. For details on the minimal interface, refer to the topic on Minimal Mode in the Self-service Guide.

  • Phones

    Shows/hides the Your Company Phones area and associated functionality. This controls the ability to add smart devices, as well as to manage company phones and associated lines.

  • Personal Phones

    Shows/hides the complete Your Personal Phones area and associated functionality, or hides selected functionality only, such as setting up ring schedules or advanced timer options. Also controls the ability to enable own personal phone management (add remote destination profile).

  • My Information

    Shows/hides one or more of the My Information, My Credentials, and Webex Self-service areas and the associated functionality.

  • Voicemail

    Shows/hides one or more of the Voicemail Settings, Alternate Numbers and Notification Devices, and Caller Input areas, as well as the associated functionality. Also controls the ability to add own Voicemail account if required.

  • Call Forward

    Shows/hides the complete Call Forwarding area and associated functionality, or selected advanced call forwarding functionality only, such forward calls to settings.

See Self-service Feature Display Policy Field Reference for field descriptions.

See also topics under:

  • “Entitlement Management” - for more details about the Entitlement feature.

  • “General Subscriber Management Tasks” - for more details about associating an Entitlement Profile to a subscriber.