Configure Microsoft Tenant Connection Parameters#



References in this section to “PowerShell Proxy” refer to the MS Windows host running PowerShell commands. References to just “Proxy” refer to the HTTP proxy server that the the Windows PowerShell host uses to access the tenant in the cloud.

This procedure configures the following connections:

  • From Automate to the PowerShell Proxy

  • Between the PowerShell Proxy and the tenant

  • The Graph API connection between Automate and the tenant



You will need:

  • The FQDN or IP address of a single-node PowerShell Proxy, or the FQDN corresponding to your load balancer’s virtual IP address. See Set up the PowerShell Proxy Server

  • The credentials for the local service account you created on the PowerShell Proxy

  • Proxy authentication credentials (if the outbound Internet Proxy requires authentication)


    Authenticated proxy is not supported.

  • The client ID and tenant ID

  • Either the client secret (supported for Teams and Graph only, not Exchange) or the certificate (supported for Teams, Graph, and Exchange, and mandatory for Exchange), that you created when registering Automate as an application object with Microsoft Entra ID. For greater security, certificate is preferred. See Create Application Registration in Microsoft Cloud Tenant Portal.

To add and configure the Microsoft Tenant

  1. Log in to the Automate Admin Portal as a Provider administrator.


    By default, the Provider administrator role is the only role that has the ability to create Tenant connections.

  2. To add a new tenant, go to (default menus) Apps Management > Microsoft Tenant, then:

    • Click Add.

    • Choose the hierarchy. Typically, this is Customer.

  3. At the Tenant fieldset, fill out a name and a description for the tenant.

  4. At Microsoft Application Authentication, fill out values for the application authentication:


    See Configure Application Registration for configuring application registration.

    • Fill out the Client ID and Tenant ID values recorded in the application registration setup. See Shared Central App Registration.


      The tenant ID and the client ID identify the tenant in the Microsoft cloud.

    • Select a certificate from the drop-down.


      It is strongly recommended that you use a certificate and not a secret. Secret is used only if you don’t select a certificate. If you have a certificate and you select it here, the certificate is used for authentication for MS Graph, MS Teams, and MS Exchange.

      If you’re using MS Exchange, you must use a certificate as secrets are not supported for MS Exchange.

      The value for Certificate Thumbprint is auto-populated when you select the certificate.

      If you set up Shared Central App Registration with the certificate you’ll need to import the certificate into Automate then select it here when adding the tenant.

      You can either:

  5. At PowerShell Server Authentication:

    • At Host, fill out the FQDN or IP address of a single-node PowerShell proxy, or the FQDN corresponding to your load balancer’s virtual IP address.


      For details around the local hosts file and the TrustedHosts WinRM configuration, see Set up the PowerShell Proxy Server.

    • At Username and Password, fill out the credentials for the local service account you created on the PowerShell Proxy. See Set up the PowerShell Proxy Server.

  6. At Microsoft Teams Admin Account, ignore these fields unless you must use basic authentication (basic auth).

    By default, the Resource Account Basic Authentication checkbox is clear (disabled), which means that you can only import (sync in) resource accounts. You’ll need to enable this functionality to add, modify, or delete resource accounts with basic auth in Automate. However, once Microsoft enforces multifactor authentication, the ability to add, modify, or delete resource accounts in Automate will no longer be possible, regardless of whether this checkbox is selected.


    Basic auth requires service account credentials and will stop working when Microsoft enforces multifactor authentication on all service accounts (starting July 2024). It is strongly recommended that you use application authentication instead of basic auth. See Configure Application Registration. If you must use basic auth, you’ll need to contact VOSS support for assistance to set up the required service account.

  7. At PowerShell Server HTTP proxy, configure the outbound internet proxy connection parameters:

    • If you have an outbound internet proxy deployed between the PowerShell proxy and the public internet, select Use HTTP Proxy.


      • If there is no outbound Internet Proxy deployed between the PowerShell and the public internet, leave both Use HTTP Proxy and Use HTTP Proxy Authentication unchecked, and leave the Username and Password fields blank.

      • Authenticated proxy is supported.

    • If the outbound Internet proxy requires authentication, select Use HTTP Proxy Authentication, fill out a username and password.


      You will have already provisioned the outbound internet proxy’s IP address (or FQDN) and port number when you set up the PowerShell proxy. See Set up the PowerShell Proxy Server, and note the caveat regarding proxy authentication in PowerShell Proxy Deployment Topologies.

  8. Add Microsoft 365 details to the Microsoft tenant:

    • At MS 365 proxy / MS 365 secure proxy, set the outbound internet proxy server if required for traffic outbound to the public internet.

      The proxy setup defines the route for the MS Graph API communications that the system uses for communication with the MS 365 Cloud tenant.

      • If the internet proxy is not authenticated, fill out a MS 365 proxy value with the following format: https://host:port/

      • If the internet proxy requires authentication, fill out a MS 365 secure proxy value with the following format: https://proxyuser:proxypassword@host:port/


      In both cases the host can be a FQDN if resolvable via DNS or the IP address of the internet proxy.

    • At Max page size for MsolUser, define the maximum number of records to retrieve at a time from the API related to device/msgraph/MSOLUser.

      For optimal performance, leave this field blank to use the default value, 999.

    • At Max page size for Groups, define the maximum number of records to retrieve at a time from APIs related to device/msgraph/Grou.

      For optimal performance, leave this field blank to use the default value, 999.


    For both MsolUser and Groups (starting from 21.4-PB4), the memory limit handling of requests has been increased, so that any previous explicit specification of max page size values less than 999 may not be required anymore, or can be increased substantially.

  9. At Microsoft Exchange:

    • If you’re using Automate to manage Microsoft Exchange online, select Enable Microsoft Exchange.

    • At Admin Domain, specify the Microsoft Exchange admin domain (the domain of the tenant) used to authenticate.


      The Admin Domain field displays once you select Enable Microsoft Exchange.

  10. Click Save.


    When saving the tenant with the certificate selected, the certificate is deployed to the PowerShell proxy and installed. You can then import the certificate on the tenant App registration in Microsoft Entra for authentication of all apps (MS Exchange, Teams, and Graph).

  11. Test your Microsoft tenant connection. You will be prompted to confirm the test.


    In this step you’re verifying that Automate can connect to the Microsoft tenant using the Teams and Exchange Powershell modules on the Windows server as well as using the Graph API on the Automate platform.

    • On the Microsoft Tenant page, choose the relevant tenant.

    • Click Test Connection.

Modifying a Microsoft Tenant

Modifying a Microsoft tenant will only overwrite those driver parameters in the underlying connections (MSTeamsOnline, MSExchangeOnline, MSGraph) that are managed by the tenant workflows. Other driver parameters will be left as is.

Next Steps

  • Verify that no changes are needed in user name mapping macros prior to sync. High level administrators with access to the data/MultivendorUsernameMappingMacros model instances should carry out this task.


For release 21.5-PB5, Multivendor environments using the data/MultivendorUsernameMappingMacros model at a hierarchy below sys level require an additional update. High level administrators with access to this model should ensure instances include:

"username_macro_ms_365": [
   "{{ input.UserPrincipalName }}",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.username == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username:input.username != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username:input.username }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.username == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username_ms_365:input.username != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username_ms_365:input.username }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | email:input.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | email:input.UserPrincipalName}}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username_ms_365:input.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username_ms_365:input.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty previous.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username_ms_365:previous.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username_ms_365:previous.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username_ms_teams:input.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username_ms_teams:input.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty previous.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( data.User.username | username_ms_teams:previous.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ data.User.username | username_ms_teams:previous.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( device.cucm.User.userid | userIdentity:input.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ device.cucm.User.userid | userIdentity:input.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>",
   "(( fn.is_none_or_empty input.UserPrincipalName == fn.true ))<NOT_FOUND>(( device.cucm.User.userid | mailid:input.UserPrincipalName != '' ))<{{ device.cucm.User.userid | mailid:input.UserPrincipalName }}><NOT_FOUND>"
  • Perform a sync from the Microsoft tenant to import Microsoft users, tenant dial plan, licenses, and policies to the customer level. You will be prompted to confirm the syncs.

    For Microsoft Exchange, ensure that instances for all 4 device models (User mailboxes, Shared Mailboxes, Room Mailboxes, and Distribution Mailboxes) are synced in at the level were the tenant exists.

  • Configure the customer-wide site defaults doc (SDD), CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE. See Site Defaults Doc Templates.

  • Add network device lists (NDLs) with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams tenant details. NDLs are required when adding sites. See Network Device Lists (NDLs).

  • Create sites.

  • Run the overbuild. See: Overbuild for Microsoft.

  • Go to Configure Automate for Microsoft Services

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