Add a Self Provisioning User Profile#

  1. Log in as provider, reseller, or customer administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy path to the site node where you want to configure self-provisioning.

  3. Choose User Management > Self-Provisioning > User Profile.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Enter the user profile information.




    Enter the name of the user profile. This field is mandatory.

    Universal Line Template

    Enter a site-specific ULT. This field is highly recommended.

  6. Click the Device Template Desk Phone tab.

    1. Click ‘+’ to add a new template.

    2. From the Device Security Profile drop-down, choose Model-independent Security Profile .

    3. From the Sip Profile drop-down, choose the required SIP Profile.

    4. Select the Allow Control of Device From Cti checkbox.

    5. From the Calling Search Space drop-down, choose the appropriate option, for example Cu2Si4-InternalOnly-CSS.

  7. Click the Line Template tab.

    1. Click ‘+’ to add a new template.

    2. From the Partition drop-down, choose the appropriate partition, for example Cu2-DirNum-PT.

    3. From the Calling Search Space drop-down, choose the appropriate calling search space, for example Cu2Si4-InternalOnly-CSS.

    4. From the Voice Mail Profile drop-down, choose the appropriate option, for example Default.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Fill out additional, optional settings, if applicable.

Next Steps

  • Set a default user profile for a site.