Configure Microsoft Tenant Dialplan#

This procedure displays and edits existing Microsoft Teams tenant dialplans and adds a new Microsoft Teams tenant dialplan.


A default tenant dialplan can be chosen in the site defaults. When adding a subscriber via Quick Add Subscriber, the default tenant dialplan can be overwritten if you choose another option.


  • Add a Microsoft tenant

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal.

  2. Go to (default menu) MS Teams Dial Plan Management > Tenant Dialplan.

  3. View existing tenant dialplans.

  4. Choose an option:

    • To edit an existing dialplan, click on a dialplan to open the editing screen. Make your changes, then save the dialplan.

    • To add a new dialplan, click the Plus icon (+) to open the New Record screen. Go to step 5.

  5. On the New Record page, fill out details for the new Microsoft tenant dialplan:

    • In the Name field, fill out a unique name for the dialplan.

    • In the Simple Name field, fill out a unique display name for the dialplan.

    • In the Description field, describe the purpose and users of the dialplan.

    • In the External Access Prefix field, define a prefix used to identify external calls. To enable this prefix, select Optimize Device Dialing.

    • Select Optimize Device Dialing to enable the external access prefix.

    • At Normalization Rules, click the Plus icon (+) to add a normalization rule:

      • Provide a unique ID for the normalization rule, and a description.

      • Define the priority order of this rule, for phone numbers associated with two or more normalization rules.

      • In the Pattern field, provide a regular expression that a dialed number must match for the rule to be applied. The default is ^(d{11})$, which represents any set of numbers up to 11 digits.

      • In the Translation field, define a regular expression to apply to the number to convert it to E.164 format. The default is +$1, which prefixes the number with a Plus (+).

      • Select Is Internal Extension if the number should be seen as internal when the rule is applied (set to True); else, clear the checkbox (False, default), so that the number is seen as external when the rule is applied.

      • To add additional normalization rules, click the Plus icon (+) and fill out values for the next normalization rule.

  6. Click Save to create or update the tenant dialplan.

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