Calling Search Spaces and Partitions#

This chapter lists the components that are created and used by the Dial Plan. The Calling Search Spaces (CSSs) and associated partitions are created when the customer dial plan is added in Cisco Unified Communications Manager. The following CSSs and partitions are available to be used with SIP trunk transformations:

SIP Trunk Transformation CSSs

CSS Name





Per Customer CallinGPartyNumber Transformation CSS


Per customer partition contains Calling Party Transformation Pattern for a non-Emergency PSTN call. The transformation pattern is a DN or range of DNs that map to a DDI or range of DDIs. This partition is used for Calling, Redirecting and Connected number transformation.


Per customer partition is used to provision Calling Party Transformation Patterns for the Emergency Call. The pattern should be in the following format - “*2*<sid>DN”, where <sid> is the internal site id (can be acquired with the macro “HcsDpSiteId” and DN is either a DN or range of DNs that map to a DDI or range of DDIs associated to the site.

CSS Name





Per customer CalleDPartyNumber Transformation CSS


Per customer partition contains Called Party Transformation Pattern.

Not used.


Per customer ReDirectingPartyNumber Transformation CSS


Per customer partition contains Calling Party Transformation Pattern for a non-Emergency PSTN call. The transformation pattern is a DN or range of DNs that map to a DDI or range of DDIs. This partition is used for Calling, Redirecting and Connected number transformation.


Per customer Connected Number Transformation CSS


Per customer partition contains Calling Party Transformation Pattern for a non-Emergency PSTN call. The transformation pattern is a DN or range of DNs that map to a DDI or range of DDIs. This partition is used for Calling, Redirecting and Connected number transformation.


Per customer for handling Inbound Call from the trunk


Per customer partition contains DDIs to DNs translation patterns. Each translation pattern is a DDI or range of DDIs that map to a DN or range of DNs with the CSS set to InterSiteRouting partition (Cu<cid>-ISR-PT ).


Per customer partition for mapping FMC numbers to DN.

Not used.


Per customer partition containing a list of URIs associated to the DN.


Per customer for handling Inbound Call from Cisco Unity Connection


Per customer intersite routing partition contains a list of DN ranges and translation patterns with the CSS Cu<sid>-DirNum-CSS


Per customer partition containing a list of URIs associated to the DN.

The following partitions are available when building a Class of Service (CoS) and should be ordered in the CoS CSS as shown in the following table.

Partitions for Class of Service



  1. Cu<cid>Si<sid>-<ISO>DP-Local-PT

Per site partition for handling local PSTN dialing behavior, where <cid> is the unique customer id (obtain with the macro HcsDpCustomerId ), <sid> is the unique customer site id (obtain with the macro HcsDpSiteId) and <ISO> is the Country ISO code (for example, United Kingdom = ISO(GBR))

  1. Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-Defn-PT

Per customer country dial plan definition. It contains a set of translation patterns associated with the dialing behavior, eliminates post dial delay, classifies it to a different call type, and prefixes the Force OnNet feature code to the Called Number as the next feature to be processed.

  1. Cu<cid>-FONet-PT



Use the noFONet-PT if Force OnNet is not needed, or use the FONet-PT to enable Force OnNet.

4. One or more of the following blocking partitions:

  • Cu<cid>-BlkIntl-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkNatl-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkMobl-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkLocl-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkPRS-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkFPN-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkPCS-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkSRS-PT

  • Cu<cid>-BlkOpr-PT

  • Cu<cid>BlkAll-PT

To block the following:

  • International call type

  • National call type

  • Mobile call type

  • Local call type

  • Premium Rate Service call type

  • Toll free call type

  • Personal Comm Service type

  • Special Rate call type

  • Operator call type

  • ALL PSTN call types; use only if Internal Calls is allowed

  1. Cu<cid>-Allowed-PT

This partition is needed after all the blocking partitions, or if none of the blocking partitions are needed.

6. One of the following partitions is the next partition needed in the


  • 24HrsCLIP-PT

  • 24HrsCLIR-PT

  • WkHrsCLIP-PT

  • WkHrsCLIR-PT

This partition is needed to allow calls as described below:

  • 24HrsCLIP-PT* To allow calls 24 hours a day with calling number and name presentation set to Allowed

  • 24HrsCLIR-PT*To allow calls 24 hours a day with calling number and name presentation set to Restricted

  • WkHrsCLIP-PT*To allow calls during working hours with calling number and name presentation set to Allowed

  • WkHrsCLIR-PT*To allow calls during working hours with calling number and name presentation set to Restricted



  1. One of the following:

    • Cu<cid>-FAC-PT

    • Cu<cid>-noFAC-PT

Use FAC-PT if Forced Authorization Code is needed, or use noFAC-PT. In addition to using the FAC-PT, the FAC feature must be manually provisioned on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

  1. One of the following:

    • Cu<cid>-CMC-PT

    • Cu<cid>-noCMC-PT

Use CMC-PT if Client Matter Code is needed, or use noCMC-PT. In addition, you must manually provision the CMC feature on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

  1. One of the following:

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-LBRtg-PT

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-DBRtg-PT

If Line Based Routing is needed then add the LBR routing partition (Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-LBRtg-PT).

If Device Based Routing then add the DBR routing partition (Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-DBRtg-PT).

10. The following partitions handle internal dialing:

  • Cu<cid>-PreISR-PT

  • Cu<cid>-AllowVM-PT

  • Cu<cid>Si<sid>-AllowInternal-PT

  • Cu<cid>Si<sid>-Feature-PT

These partitions handle internal dialing as described below:

  • Cu<cid>-PreISR-PT per customer PreInterSiteRouting partition

  • Cu<cid>-AllowVM-PT per customer Allowing Voice Mail partition

  • Cu<cid>Si<sid>-AllowInternal-PT per site Allowing Intra Site dialing partition

  • Cu<cid>Si<sid>-Feature-PT*per site Allow Call Feature partition

  1. Cu<cid>-URILookUp-PT

Partition used to handle URI dialing

The following are available for configuring Device CSSs.

Device CSSs

Calling Search Space



This CSS is used for devices that have lines that use Line Based Routing (LBR). It contains the Cu<cid>Si<sid>-<ISO>DP-Emer-PT which contains translation and route patterns to handle emergency calls.


This CSS is used for devices that have lines that use Device Based Routing (DBR). It contains Cu<cid>Si<sid>-<ISO>DP-Emer-PT and the DBR Route Selection partition.

The following Route Lists are created when a country dial plan is added for a customer:

  • Line Based Routing

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Intl-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Natl-PL

    • Cu<cid>-<SIO>Mobl-PL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Emer-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Serv-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Local-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>PRSN-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>FPHN-RL

    • Cu <cid>-<ISO>PCSN-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>SRSN-RL

    • Cu<Cid>-<ISO>Oper-RL

  • Device Based Routing* Each of the Route Lists below configured with a single Name Standard Local Route Group member associated with Call Type.

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Intl-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Natl-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<SIO>Mobl-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Emer-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Serv-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>Local-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>PRSN-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>FPHN-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>PCSN-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<cid>-<ISO>SRSN-SLRG-RL

    • Cu<Cid>-<ISO>Oper-SLRG-RL

The route group used by the above is provisioned with VOSS Automate SIP Trunk and Route Group.

LBR route patterns can be found in Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-LBRteSel-PT which is associated with Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-LBRteSel-CSS.

DBR route patterns can be found in Cu<cid>-<ISO>DP-DBRteSel-PT which is associated with Cu<cid>Si<sid>-<ISO>DP-DBRDevice-CSS.