Webex Schedules#

A Webex Schedule is associated with an existing Webex Location.

Existing Webex schedules from the Webex Control Hub are synced to the Webex location when running the default data sync - see the model list here: Introduction to Cisco Webex App.


To add a Webex Schedule at a hierarchy, a Webex Location must be available at the hierarchy. A message: “No Webex Location Found At This Hierarchy” will show in the Webex Location Name field when it is not available.

Refer to Webex Bulk Actions for details on the bulk add, delete or update of Webex schedules at more than one Webex location.

Add a Schedule#

  1. From the Webex Schedules menu, navigate to the Webex Location hierarchy and click Add.

    The Webex Location Name (read-only) shows on the Details form.

  2. Provide a Name and Type for the schedule.

  3. According to the selected Type, add one or more calendar Events, along with the event calendar from the calendar picker and associated recurrence details.


    You can set up a recurrence end date for Webex schedule events, or select Recur Forever. If you’ve selected a recurrence end date and you select Recur Forever, only the Recur Forever setting is configured for the Webex schedule. The end date, even if present, is thus disabled.

  4. Click Save and inspect the entry in the Webex Schedules list view.

Modify a Schedule#

Only Event entries can be modified on existing schedules.


The schedule Name, Location Name and Type can’t be updated. If you need to change any of these values, delete the schedule, then add a new schedule with updated values.

  • You can’t configure the sequence of Events entries.

  • You can set up a recurrence end date for Webex schedule events, or select Recur Forever. If you’ve selected a recurrence end date and you select Recur Forever, only the Recur Forever setting is configured for the Webex schedule. The end date, even if present, is thus disabled.

Delete a schedule#

You can delete Webex schedules from the list view or from the detail view.