Example Template Customization Audit Reports#

The purpose of a Template Customization Audit Reports is to provide a record of changes as a result of workflow execution at a particular hierarchy, in particular:

  • data, relation, and view instances of standard models that include for example Configuration Templates, Field Display Policies, Macros.

  • custom model schema definitions that may have been created at the site (for example, instances of data/DataModel) as a result of a custom adaptation.

Consider an example customization report that was created at a Site hierarchy called: LOC001.

After the report is created from the Administration Tools > Reports > Audit Template Customization menu, it shows as an item in the list of reports on the Administration Tools > Reports > Template Customization Reports menu.

The report can be identified by checking the creation Timestamp and Message columns of the list. The message would contain the number of templates and the phrase that shows the Site hierarchy, for example:

544 customized templates were found at sys.hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.LOC001

The Details list in the report shows entries of the format:

Model Type: data/User, \
Instance: bkey(["QAS0003", "hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.LOC001"]), \

Model Type: data/ConfigurationTemplate, \
Instance: bkey(["Reference CUCM User Template", \
                "device/cucm/User", \
                "hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.LOC001"]), \

Model Type: data/Macro, \
Instance: bkey(["CUSTOMER_INI_ENABLED", \
                "hcs.CS-P.CS-NB.AAAGlobal.LOC001"]), \

From the list details, it is possible to see the model instances created at the site - defined by type, business key and pkid.

This provides administrators with information when inspecting data at a hierachy for troubleshooting or for reference when contacting support operators.