Log In to the Admin Portal#


Starting with Automate 24.1, “classic” admin portal view of the Automate GUI has been deprecated. On install or upgrade, the default view of the portal is set to the newer admin portal.

You can use the following URLs to log in:

  • https://{hostname}/

  • https://{hostname}/portal/


  • The trailing forward slash / is required in the URL after portal/.

  • Support is available for additional paths in the URL, for example, for use in a proxy path. The supported format is as follows: https://{hostname}/{some}/{custom}/{path}/portal/

  • Users with a business admin role can use the URL, https://{hostname}/business-admin/, but this will always redirect to https://{hostname}/portal/.

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Log in for Standard Users#

To log in as a standard user:

  1. Go to either of:

    • https://{hostname}/login

    • https://{hostname}/portal/login

  2. Enter your username, using either of these formats:

    • {username}@hierarchy

    • {email address}

    • {username}


If logging in with just {username}, your username must be unique at the hierarchy level, else login fails. In this case, log in using either {username}@hierarchy or {email address}. Email address must be unique in the system.

Log in for LDAP Users#

To log in as an LDAP user:

  1. Go to either of:

    • https://{hostname}/login

    • https://{hostname}/portal/login

  2. Log in, using either user ID ({user ID}[@hierarchy]), or your email address.

    • User ID ({user ID}) corresponds to the username mapping in User Field Mapping, for example, email address, user principal name, sAMaccountName. The login attribute name is configured in the authentication attribute of the LDAP device associated with the hierarchy. The authentication attribute value is obtained from the User Field Mapping, and is used to authenticate against LDAP. See User Field Mapping

    • @hierarchy is not required when the user ID corresponds to the user’s email address (regardless of the login attribute name specified in the LDAP network connection). The hierarchy is in dot notation and corresponds with the hierarchy to which the user belongs. Hierarchy level is the level at which the user is created.

Log in for SSO Users#

To log in as SSO user:

  1. Go to either of:

    • https://{host name}/sso/{SSO login URI}/login

    • https://{hostname}/portal/sso/{SSO login URI}/login

  2. Log in using the relevant SSO identity provider credentials.

    The SSO URLs provided redirect to the Admin portal with endpoint: /portal/.

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