Cisco Webex App Sync#

If Cisco Webex App (Spark) is part of the solution and being managed, there are a number of considerations around sync with Cisco Webex App.

The typical setup is that the Cisco Webex App users are fully managed by the VOSS Automate system so there is no need for user sync. In this setup the only sync required is to pull in basic system data from Webex App for VOSS Automate to utilize in user configuration. A sync for this is added into VOSS Automate when a Cisco Webex App Service is added to the system and is executed automatically after Service creation or can be initiated by an admin as needed:

  • SyncSparkRolesLicenses<customername> - Sync of basic data - e.g. licenses and roles, etc.

In an alternate scenario where some element of user management is occurring outside of VOSS Automate (for example, LDAP Connector), then a user sync will be required to pull that data into VOSS Automate for further management. Once the users are synced into VOSS Automate, they need to be moved to the appropriate site with the rest of the end user’s services to be further configured and managed. This move can be done via the Webex App menu item by selecting the users and then using the Action > Move option to move them.

This sync can be initiated by an administrator as needed or if required, a schedule can be setup to run the sync on a regular interval.

  • SyncSpark<customername> - Full sync of Webex App (Spark) including user data.

When VOSS Automate is integrated with a customer’s user directory, the normal Subscriber management approach applies, in other words:

  • Users are synced into VOSS Automate at the Customer hierarchy level

  • Users must be moved to the relevant Site hierarchy level

  • Once at the correct Site level, Quick Add Subscriber or Advanced Subscriber can be used to enable services (Webex App in this case) for the users