View a Transaction#

You can only view transactions that are relevant to your specific hierarchy level. For instance, if you’re logged into the system as a Customer administrator you’ll be able to view all transactions that were performed at the customer for which you’re the administrator. This includes transactions that were performed at any of the sites that belong to the customer.

If you’re logged in as a Site administrator you’ll be able to view only the transactions that were performed at your specific site.


See the topic on Data Partitioning in the Core Feature Guide and to the API Guide to view transactions by means of the API.

To view transactions in the Admin portal:

  1. Choose Administration Tools > Transaction.

    By default, the Transaction list view shows all parent transactions in progress or executed. This is indicated in the Status column of the list.

    To view the child transactions (sub-transactions) in the list view, select the parent transaction.

    The list view shows both parent and sub-transactions.

    For completed transactions, the Status column displays either Success, Success With Async Failures, or Fail.

    Failed transactions are highlighted in red by default, but this can be overridden in the Theme if required. An exclamation icon is also displayed next to the word Fail.

    The Detail column provides additional details on the transaction if available. See “Transaction Details” for more information.

    The Rolled Back column displays either No or Rolled Back - the latter for any failed transactions (with Status is Fail) that have been rolled back.

  2. Click an individual transaction or sub-transaction (if required) to show a detailed view.

    For top-level transactions with status Success With Async Failures, the list of failed async transaction display below the sub transactions. If there are more than 10 failed async transactions, these display on a separate tab on the page.

    Failed async transactions can be at any level below the top-level transaction. Click the transaction to see the details of the failed async transaction(s).

    The Detail also shows the number of failed async transactions.

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