MS Teams Emergency Locations#


VOSS Automate provides the ability to support all the elements related to emergency calling setup in Microsoft Teams, including Dynamic Emergency, which allows for the management of Microsoft Teams emergency locations for emergency calling.

You can set up one or more emergency dispatch locations (for example, parts of a building), for your organization’s physical location (civic address).

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Configure MS Teams Emergency Locations#

  1. In the VOSS Automate Admin Portal, go to (default menus) MS Teams Emergency Management > Teams Emergency Locations.

  2. Click on an item in the list to view or update its details.

  3. To add an emergency location, click the toolbar Plus icon (+), and configure the new record:

    Address tab

    On this tab, configure emergency location details.

    • When adding a physical civic address, a default emergency location is added (the Is Default setting on the Locations tab is enabled and read-only for the location).

    • You can expose additional civic address fields via the field display policy, if required.

    Locations tab

    Add associated locations. Verify requirements according to the selected Country Or Region. For example, if this is set to UK, then it is mandatory to provide HouseNumber.

    This tab allows you to add more granular, additional locations for an address, as needed. And for each location, you can add relevant data from the Location Information Server (LIS), to identify the location. For example, subnet, port, switch, and wireless access points (WAP).

    Some details to this tab are mandatory, while others are optional (you can create the base civic address then add locations later), if you don’t create a location when adding, MS Teams automatically generates a read-only default location, which you will see when viewing the emergency location later in VOSS Automate. You can add relevant LIS information to that default location. However, you won’t be able to update the description or ELIN (Emergency Location Identification Number).

    You can add additional locations as needed.

    You can’t delete the default location from the list of locations associated with a physical civic address. The default is only removed when the physical civic address is deleted. You can add relevant LIS information to the default location as required, which is useful if you plan to have only a single location for the address.

  4. Save your changes.