Fixed and Configurable Filters in Menus#


VOSS Automate allows you to apply fixed filters and configurable filters on menu layouts.

For the use of fixed filters and configurable filters on Links widgets on dashboards, see the Links topic at Automate Dashboards.

Fixed Filters#

Only high-level administrators can add and modify pre-defined Fixed Filters to menus. For these administrators, this option also shows on the Menu Layout design input forms and presents the same interface options as Configurable Filters.

These filters are not visible to the lower level administrators and will always apply when the menu item link is used by them. Fixed filter results can however be filtered further by Configurable Filters.

Configurable Filters#

When configuring a menu layout, click the icon in the Filters column to open the filter configuration dialog, where you can add one or more configurable filters.

Adding more than one filter results in a logical AND of the filter application.


The table describes the Configurable Filters fields:

Filter By

Attributes of the selected Type can be selected from the drop-down list.

Filter Type

Select the matching operator to apply when the attribute is matched to the Filter String value:

  • Contains

  • Does Not Contain

  • Starts With

  • Ends With

  • Equals

  • Not Equal

Filter String

Select the value that the matching operator should match by.

Ignore Case

This checkbox defines whether to ignore the case of the Filter String value.

Once you’ve applied the configurable filters, selecting the menu item in the GUI triggers a pop up Filter dialog before rendering the list view, where you can apply or modify the filter before displaying the page related to the or menu.

If a Filter String value is entered on Configurable Filters, this value can also then be accepted or modified in the Filter dialog.


The list view of the results footer row indicates that a filter has now been applied to the list and this filter can then be further modified and removed from the list view as usual. See Working with Lists



Standard list view filters on model types (for example if accessible by other menu items) can still be used as described in “Filtering Lists”, but these will be removed and replaced by any Configurable Filters on menu items for the corresponding model type.