VOSS Insights Logo Insights 24.1 Documentation#

There are three solution components to VOSS Insights: Assurance, Analytics and Netflow.

new_releases Release Highlights
new_releases Docs: What's New by Guide
new_releases Docs: What's New by Feature
archive Insights-Docs.zip

New Release Information

Release details for VOSS Insights 24.1.

picture_as_pdf Release and Upgrade Notes for 24.1 (latest) Release Notes provide build details, and a list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes in the relevant release. Upgrade notes are included in the release notes, and describe configuration changes that may be required as part of the relevant upgrade.
picture_as_pdf Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide (latest) The Guide provides download and install details specific to the relevant release.
picture_as_pdf VOSS Automate Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights version compatibility, as well as tested browser and VM versions.
About Assurance

Use the Insights Assurance solution for Unified Communications monitoring, with out-of-the-box configurations for monitoring all major vendors and technologies.

Insights Assurance comprises Dashboard and Arbitrator, plus optional integrations for VOSS Automate, Avaya, Windows Forwarder.

Insights Assurance Setup Overview

'Insights Assurance Start
!include style.iuml
:Set up Insights Assurance solution;
note right
  Two products to set up:
  * Arbitrator (and integrations)
  * Dashboard
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-quickstart.html#arbitrator-setup Arbitrator Setup]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-quickstart.html#dashboard-setup Dashboard Setup]];
end fork
if (Arbitrator Integrations?) then (Yes)
   :[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-quickstart.html#arbitrator-integration Arbitrator Integrations]];

Arbitrator Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New Arbitrator Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-download.html Download install file]];
:Arbitrator Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/index-arbitrator-install.html#port-requirements Port requirements]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-arbitrator-sizing.html Sizing]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/index-arbitrator-install.html Dashboard Install]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-arbitrator-correlation/VAA-arb-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Receive, add PRODUCT KEY
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade Arbitrator]];

Arbitrator Integrations

!include style.iuml
if (Avaya Integration?) then (Yes)
  :[[../src/user/Insights-Avaya-Integration/index-Insights-Avaya-integration.html Avaya Integration]];
if (Expressway Integration?) then (Yes)
  :[[../src/user/Insights-Expressway-Integration/index-insights-cisco-expressway-integration.html Expressway Integration]];
if (VOSS Automate and UC Apps?) then (Yes)
  :[[../src/user/VAA-licensing/index-VAA-licensing.html VOSS Automate and UC Apps]];
if (CUCM Syslog Receiver?) then (Yes)
  :[[../VOSS-Insights_Technical_Note-Cisco_Syslog_Receiver.pdf Cisco Unified CM Syslog Receiver]];
if (Cisco PRI and SIP Performance Monitoring?) then (Yes)
  :[[../src/user/VAA-arbitrator-correlation/VOSS-Insights-Arbitrator-probes-to-monitor-Cisco-PRI-and-SIP-performance-monitoring.html Cisco PRI and SIP Performance Monitoring]];

Dashboard Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New Dashboard Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download install file]];
:Dashboard Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html#port-requirements Port requirements]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-dashboard-reporting-sizing.html Sizing]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html Dashboard Install]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-dashboard-reporting/VAA-dash-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Receive, add PRODUCT KEY
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade Dashboard]];

Document Description PDF
Insights Assurance - Example Deployments Guide Insights Assurance example deployment scenarios with solution descriptions and considerations for each example.
Arbitrator Install Guide This guide provides Arbitrator download instructions for new installs and upgrades, upgrade steps, port requirement, VM and Cloud sizing and install steps, instructions for deployment, networking, database, and system setup, how to add certificates, and CUCM asset onboarding
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download and setup instructions for installation, port requirements, sizing, cloud installs, and licensing
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup, upgrade, and post-upgrade steps, and Dashboard licensing instructions.
Dashboard Administration Guide Instructions for Dashboard licensing, use and configuration.
Arbitrator Administration Guide Instructions for installing Arbitrator license files, system configuration and use, and backup and restore steps.
Avaya Integration Guide to integrating Avaya (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
Cisco Expressway Integration Guide to integrating Cisco Expressway for monitoring setup (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
VOSS Automate and UC Apps License Sync Guide Guide to integrating with VOSS Automate (optional component), describing how to sync UC app licensing data with VOSS Automate, for Insights Assurance solution.
Cisco Unified CM Syslog Receiver Guide to configuring Cisco Unified Syslog Receiver with VOSS Assurance as receiver, for Insights Assurance solution.
Cisco PRI and SIP Performance Monitoring Overview of the probes used by Arbitrator to monitor Cisco Voice Gateway PRIs and SIP trunks, and CUCM SIP trunk analysis, for Insights Assurance solution.

Download archive Insights-Assurance-Docs.zip

Document Description PDF
Insights Application Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights Application compatibility, including tested browser and VM versions.
VOSS Insights Application Release Notes Latest release notes for the VOSS Insights product.
Arbitrator API Guide API reference document for Insights Arbitrator.
VOSS Insights Platform Guide A guide to VOSS Insights platform commands.
Open Source License Usage Open source licenses used in Insights solutions.
Insights Security Outlines security practices for Insights products and summarizes current vulnerability scan reports.
About Analytics

Insights Analytics delivers powerful log analytics with no data collection caps or scale limitations.

Insights Analytics comprises Dashboard, Arbitrator, and optionally, Windows Forwarder

Insights Analytics Setup Overview

'Insights Analytics Start
!include style.iuml
:Set up Insights Analytics solution;
note right
  Two products to set up:
  * Dashboard
  * Arbitrator
  * [[../src/user/Insights-Windows-Forwarder/index-Windows-Forwarder-install.html Windows Forwarder Install]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-quickstart.html#dashboard-setup Dashboard Setup]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-quickstart.html#arbitrator-setup Arbitrator Setup]];
end fork

Dashboard Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New Dashboard Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download install file]];
:Dashboard Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html#port-requirements Port requirements]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-dashboard-reporting-sizing.html Sizing]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html Dashboard Install]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-dashboard-reporting/VAA-dash-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Receive, add PRODUCT KEY
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade Dashboard]];

Arbitrator Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New Arbitrator Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-download.html Download install file]];
:Arbitrator Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/index-arbitrator-install.html#port-requirements Port requirements]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-arbitrator-sizing.html Sizing]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/index-arbitrator-install.html Dashboard Install]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-arbitrator-correlation/VAA-arb-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Receive, add PRODUCT KEY
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/arbitrator-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade Arbitrator]];

Dashboard Integrations

!include style.iuml
if (Windows Forwarder Integration?) then (Yes)
  :[[../src/user/Insights-Windows-Forwarder/index-Windows-Forwarder-install.html Windows Forwarder Install]];

Document Description PDF
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download and setup instructions for new installs and upgrade, port requirements, sizing, cloud installs, and licensing
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup and upgrade.
Arbitrator Install Guide Guide to Arbitrator download instructions for new installs and upgrades, upgrade steps, port requirement, VM and Cloud sizing and install steps, instructions for deployment, networking, database, and system setup, how to add certificates, and CUCM asset onboarding.
Dashboard Administration Guide Instructions for Dashboard licensing, use and configuration.
Arbitrator Administration Guide Instructions for installing Arbitrator license files, system configuration and use, and backup and restore steps.
Windows Forwarder Install Guide Guide to installing and configuring Windows Forwarder (optional component) for the Insights Analytics solution.

Download archive Insights-Analytics-Docs.zip

Document Description PDF
Insights Application Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights Application compatibility, including tested browser and VM versions.
VOSS Insights Application Release Notes Latest release notes for the VOSS Insights product.
Dashboard API Guide API reference document for Insights Dashboard.
VOSS Insights Platform Guide A guide to VOSS Insights platform commands.
Open Source License Usage Open source licenses used in Insights solutions.
Insights Security Outlines security practices for Insights products and summarizes current vulnerability scan reports.
About Netflow

Insights NetFlow provides a flexible, highly scalable deployment architecture that allows you to visualize and analyze network traffic flow data.

Insights NetFlow comprises DS9 and Dashboard.

NetFlow Setup Overview

'NetFlow Quickstart
!include style.iuml
:Set up NetFlow solution;
note right
  Two products to set up:
  * DS9
  * Dashboard
end note
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-quickstart.html#ds9-for-netflow-setup DS9 for NetFlow Setup]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-quickstart.html#dashboard-for-netflow-setup Dashboard for NetFlow Setup]];
end fork

DS9 for NetFlow Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New DS9 Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-download.html Download install file]];
:DS9 Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-Tech-Notes/VOSS-Insights-prepare-production-environment-for-DS9-installation-v2.html DS9 Prerequisites]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/VAA-netflow-monitoring-port-reqs.html Communication ports]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/reference-DS-9-Netflow-sizing.html#small-netflow-solution Small]]
* [[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/reference-DS-9-Netflow-sizing.html#medium-netflow-solution Medium]]
* [[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/reference-DS-9-Netflow-sizing.html#large-netflow-solution Large]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/VAA-install-deploy-OVA.html Install DS9]];
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Send license key to VOSS
* Receive, add Product Registration key
end note
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/Insights-DS9-dashboard-config.html DS9 GUI configuration]];
note right
* Requires [[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-quickstart.html#dashboard-for-netflow-setup  Dashboard Setup]]
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/Insights-DS9-Install/DS9-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade DS9]];

Dashboard for NetFlow Setup

!include style.iuml
if (New Dashboard Install?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download install file]];
:Dashboard Setup Requirements;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html#port-requirements Port requirements]]
end note
:VM / cloud hardware spec;
note right
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-dashboard-reporting-sizing.html Sizing]]
* [[../src/user/VAA-install/reference-cloud-installation.html Cloud Installation]]
end note
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/index-dashboard-install.html Dashboard Install]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-dashboard-reporting/VAA-dash-licensing.html Licensing]];
note right
* Receive, add PRODUCT KEY
end note
else (No)
:[[../src/user/VAA-install/dashboard-download.html Download upgrade file]];
:[[../src/user/VAA-maintenance-upgrade/index-VAA-maintenance-upgrade.html Upgrade Dashboard]];

Document Description PDF
DS9 for NetFlow Install Guide A guide to deployment, including VM installation steps, instructions for the DS9 for NetFlow product registration, how to prepare a production environment for VOSS NetFlow, and DS9 for NetFlow communication ports (overview of TCP/UDP firewall ports required for a successful NetFlow deployment).
DS9 API Guide API reference for DS9
Insights NetFlow System Function Validation Steps Steps to validate that the DS9 system is functioning properly.
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup, upgrade, and post-upgrade steps, and Dashboard licensing instructions. (Only Dashboard steps are relevant for DS9 NetFlow)
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download steps for Dashboard OVA file for new installs and upgrades, cloud install instructions and sizing, install setup instructions, sizing specifications, licensing, and VM deploy and install steps.
Dashboard Administration Guide Latest Dashboard Administration guide, including instructions for updating the product key in the Dashboard server interface.
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send Netflow v5 data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v5.
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow v9 or IPFIX data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v9 or IPFIX.

Download archive Insights-Netflow-Docs.zip

Additional Reference

Document Description PDF
Insights Application Compatibility Matrix VOSS Insights Application compatibility, including tested browser and VM versions.
VOSS Insights Application Release Notes Latest release notes for the VOSS Insights product.
Dashboard API Guide API reference document for Insights Dashboard.
VOSS Insights Platform Guide A guide to VOSS Insights platform commands.
Open Source License Usage Open source licenses used in Insights solutions.
Insights Security Outlines security practices for Insights products and summarizes current vulnerability scan reports.
Combined List

The table below offers an overview of all VOSS Insights documentation, with columns to indicate the specific solution(s) to which the document applies.

Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Arbitrator Install Guide Guide to Arbitrator download instructions for new installs and upgrades, upgrade steps, port requirement, VM and Cloud sizing and install steps, instructions for deployment, networking, database, and system setup, how to add certificates, and CUCM asset onboarding.
Insights Analytics Install Guide Guide to Dashboard download and setup instructions for installation, port requirements, sizing, cloud installs, and licensing. Includes DS9 for NetFlow communication ports (firewall port requirements), cloud install specifications, deploy and VM install steps, download steps for Dashboard OVA file for new installs or upgrades, port requirements, VM sizing specifications, cloud install specifications, Dashboard install steps, and Arbitrator cloud install specifications.
DS9 for NetFlow Install Guide Guide to DS9 for NetFlow deployment, including VM installation steps, instructions for the DS9 for NetFlow product registration, and how to prepare a production environment for VOSS NetFlow.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Dashboard Administration Guide Guide for Dashboard licensing, use and configuration.
Arbitrator Administration Guide Guide for installing Arbitrator license files, system configuration and use, and backup and restore steps.
Dashboard and Arbitrator Maintenance and Upgrade Guide Guide to Dashboard and Arbitrator backup, upgrade, and post-upgrade steps, and Dashboard licensing instructions. (Only Dashboard steps are relevant for DS9 NetFlow)
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
DS9 API Guide API reference for DS9
Insights Netflow System Function Validation Steps Steps to validate that the DS9 system is functioning properly.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send Netflow v5 data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v5.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
How to configure a Cisco ISR router to send Netflow v9 or IPFIX data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator Steps for configuring a Cisco ISR router to send NetFlow data to VOSS Insights Arbitrator using v9 or IPFIX.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Avaya Integration Guide to integrating Avaya (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco Expressway Integration Guide to integrating Cisco Expressway for monitoring setup (optional component) with Insights Arbitrator for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
UC Apps License Sync Guide Guide to integrating with VOSS Automate (optional component), describing how to sync UC app licensing data with VOSS Automate, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco Unified CM Syslog Receiver Guide to configuring Cisco Unified Syslog Receiver in Arbitrator with VOSS Assurance as receiver, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Cisco PRI and SIP Performance Monitoring Overview of the probes used by Arbitrator to monitor Cisco Voice Gateway PRIs and SIP trunks, and CUCM SIP trunk analysis, for Insights Assurance solution.
Document Description NetFlow Assurance Analytics PDF
Windows Forwarder Install Guide Guide to installing and configuring Windows Forwarder (optional component) for the Insights Analytics solution.

This page provides resources for previous releases of Insights, including release and upgrade information. We recommend that you upgrade Insights often to stay current with the latest fixes and enhancements.

These links provide details on the feature highlights as well as all documentation for previous releases.

You can find out more about supported versions and end of support dates in the Software EoS Policy & Support Matrix.

picture_as_pdf Release Notes for Insights 23.3 Release Notes provide build details, and a list of all new features, enhancements, and bug fixes in the relevant release.
picture_as_pdf Release Notes for Insights 23.2
picture_as_pdf Release Notes for Insights 23.1
picture_as_pdf Release Notes for Insights 22.2
picture_as_pdf Upgrade Guide for 23.3 The Upgrade Notes describe configuration changes that may be required as part of the relevant upgrade.
picture_as_pdf Upgrade Guide for 23.2
picture_as_pdf Upgrade Guide for 23.1
picture_as_pdf Upgrade Guide for 22.2