CLI Reporter Commands#


The Insights CLI has a number of reporter commands

$ reporter
reporter connect                   - Connect to remote VOSS system
reporter http_connection           - Print http_connection for VOSS system
reporter http_connection <IP>|None - Set or remove manual http_connection for
                                       VOSS system
reporter test_connection           - Test remote mongo and VOSS system

The following commands are used during install and for system management:

  • reporter connect

  • reporter test_connection

reporter connect

The reporter connect command takes an IP address parameter, which is the target system primary database server address. To determine the VOSS Automate system primary database server IP address, log in to the VOSS Automate system and run the command, database primary. Use this IP address as a host parameter and enter the password, for example:


$ reporter connect host: pass:

reporter http_connection

The Insights system web interface connects to a VOSS Automate node that runs its web server.

The web proxy nodes on a target VOSS Automate system can be shown with the cluster status command. For example, for a standalone system, the command output of this command is None, since the web proxy nodes has the same address as the application and database. The example output of the command below is on a standalone VOSS Automate system:


$ cluster status

Data Centre: atlantic

application : voss2-08[]

webproxy : voss2-08[]

database : voss2-08[]

reporter http_connection <IP>|None

The web interface of VOSS Insights can be set to a specified web proxy IP address, fully qualified domain name (FQDN), or it can be reset to None.

reporter test_connection

The reporter test_connection command is a test command that is also used during the install process.

The example shows command output when connected to a standalone VOSS Automate system:

$ reporter test_connection
MongoDB Connection established to
Primary Connection is
HTTP Connection to successful