VOSS Insights Documentation

Latest Release: VOSS Insights Docs 24.1

Welcome to VOSS Insights 24.1! This release delivers enhanced security standards with several updated packages, database upgrade, transaction logging, audit trails, and admin-only locks for screens with sensitive data. Our ongoing commitment to the user experience is rolled into several design and functional enhancements to the Dashboard user interface, along with new and updated reference dashboards, simpler deployment processes, and yet more tools for exposing powerful metrics that allow you to achieve optimal monitoring and performance of all integrated components. See the Release Notes for details.

Highlights in Insights 24.1

Standard Deployments - OVA and Dashboards

You can now deploy Insights without having to manually create and assign probes. Previously, Insights reference dashboards shipped with ready-to-use widgets and scripts but it was necessary to manually add and assign probes before the dashboards could be used. Probes for the reference dashboards now ship with the standard deployment files - no additional downloads are required, and the dashboards are ready to use as soon as you've installed the system.

A new set of read-only Insights reference dashboards are also included - these are designed to display system-critical and informative data that provides immediate access to valuable statistics for ensuring optimal performance of all system components.

Transaction Logging and Audit Trails

This release ships with enhanced transaction logging and audit trail capabilities integrated into both the Arbitrator and Dashboard systems. The platform now provides enriched and comprehensive audit logs that record and track admin-initiated activities related to platform access, configuration changes, and data exports. This feature facilitates detailed auditing, tracing the 'who' and 'when' of changes, and provides essential data required to satisfy standard security compliance protocols for access specifics.

Improved Dashboard User Interface

We've introduced key design and usability updates to the Dashboard UI to make it even easier to use, more intuitive, and always visually appealing. An improved dynamic "contains" search allows you to quickly locate matching dashboards, breadcrumb tab links provide easier navigation of dashboards in the same category, and it's now possible to show or hide the date range picker on a dashboard. Additionally, you'll have more control over the look and feel of dashboard widgets and tables - you can change widget header, counter, and footer font size and colors, change the text and background color of table cells in the table renderer, and search and sort table data in a more intuitive manner.

Other improvements include icons instead of text for pagination, fixed top bar tab links when scrolling down on long dashboards, and updates to the default color palette in the table renderer.

Digital Experience Synthetic Testing Remote Agent and Linux Server Monitoring

This feature extends VOSS Insights' digital experience synthetic testing capabilities by integrating remote agents that replicate real-world user connectivity scenarios, including local LAN, Wi-Fi, and remote work environments.

The lightweight agent can be deployed on virtually any Linux-based hardware platform, making it quick and easy to deploy on the platform of your choice. This will help ensure more complete and accurate assessment of user experience to deliver proactive visibility and to swiftly identify the root causes of any issues encountered by your end users.

MS Teams Collection and Microsoft Graph API for Call IDs

Insights now uses Microsoft's latest Graph API for more efficient retrieval of call records from Microsoft Teams. This has enabled the replacement of the change notification and webhook architecture with a simpler method for the Insights collector (Arbitrator) to pull call records from Microsoft Teams, as needed, and simplifies the process, connectivity, and security requirements for Microsoft Teams deployment.

Small enhancements and bug fixes

In addition to the new features and enhancements in this release, we've added several small enhancements, including a number of bug fixes. You can find further details, including links to the relevant topics, on the 24.1 Documentation Portal.