Assurance Deployment Examples#

Standard Non Redundant with Automate#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate’



  • Single Collector

  • Single Dashboard

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector carries out Syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • No redundancy

  • All based On-Premise

  • Used for smaller deployments (under 5000 users)

  • Ability to Air Gap if required

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Non Redundant with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Single Collector

  • Single Dashboard

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector carries out syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • No Redundancy

  • All based On-Premise

  • Used for smaller deployments (under 500 users)

  • Ability to Air Gap if required

  • Webhooks replaced with Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid’



  • Single Collector On-Premise

  • Single Dashboard hosted in customer/VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector carries out syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Collector

  • No data redundancy

  • Smaller user and device sized deployment < 5000 users

  • Network

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Single Collector On Premise

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector carries out syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Collector

  • No data redundancy

  • Smaller user and device sized deployment < 5000 users

  • Network ?

  • Webhook replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Non Redundant with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment’



  • Single Collector hosted in Customer cloud

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer Cloud

  • VOSS Automate in Customer Cloud

  • No On Premise apps to monitor

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • All monitoring /call records within Cloud

  • No On Premise

  • Cloud Provider

  • Size of use base / call records

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Single Collector hosted in Customer cloud

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer Cloud

  • VOSS Automate in Customer Cloud

  • No On Premise apps to monitor

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • All monitoring /call records within Cloud

  • No On Premise

  • Cloud Provider

  • Size of use base / call records

  • Webhook replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full Customer Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment’



  • All apps hosted in VOSS Cloud

  • No On Premise apps to monitor

  • All monitoring /call records within Cloud

  • No On Premise

  • Size of use base/call records

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • All apps hosted in VOSS Cloud

  • No On Premise apps to monitor

  • All monitoring /call records within Cloud

  • No On Premise

  • Size of use base/call records

  • Webhook replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Small Full VOSS Cloud Deployment (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate’



  • Dual Collectors

  • Single Dashboard

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector 1 carries out syslog/CDR functions

  • Collector 2 carries out probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • Dual Collector management

  • Limited data redundancy is available

  • Collectors Dashboard, etc., hosted On Premise

  • Ability to Air Gap if required

  • Roles split - due to size of estate, amount of calls, etc.

  • Collectors can be split over 2 Data centers

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Dual Collectors

  • Single Dashboard

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector 1 carries out syslog/CDR functions

  • Collector 2 carries out probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • Dual Collector management

  • Limited data redundancy is available

  • Collectors Dashboard, etc., hosted On Premise

  • Ability to Air Gap if required

  • Roles split - due to size of estate, amount of calls, etc.

  • Collectors can be split over 2 Data centers

  • Webhooks replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid’



  • Dual Collectors

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector 1 carries out syslog/CDR functions

  • Collector 2 carries out probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • Dual Collectors management

  • Limited data redundancy is available

  • Collectors hosted On Premise

  • Roles split - due to size of estate, amount of calls, etc.

  • Collectors can be split over 2 Data centers

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Dual Collectors

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate

  • Collector 1 carries out syslog/CDR functions

  • Collector 2 carries out probe functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Other Cloud-based services via Arbitrator

  • Dual Collectors management

  • Limited data redundancy is available

  • Collectors hosted On Premise

  • Roles split - due to size of estate, amount of calls, etc.

  • Collectors can be split over 2 Data centres

  • Webhooks replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Hybrid (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud’



  • Dual Collectors 1 hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud 1 On Premise

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • Collector 1 On Premise carries out syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • Collector 2 carries out Web (Msoft / Zoom, etc.) functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Dual Collectors management

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • Some data redundancy is available

  • Designed for On Premise apps and larger Cloud apps

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Dual Collectors 1 hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud 1 On Premise

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • Collector 1 On Premise carries out syslog/CDR and probe functions

  • Collector 2 carries out Web (Msoft / Zoom etc) functions

  • VOSS Automate integrated with Dashboard

  • Dual Collectors management

  • Single Dashboard hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • VOSS Automate hosted in Customer / VOSS Cloud

  • Some data redundancy is available

  • Designed for On Premise apps and larger Cloud Apps

  • Webhooks replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Standard Split Roles with Automate Insights Cloud (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and Consolidation#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and Consolidation’



  • Data Redundancy

  • Multiple Collectors

  • Collector roles are split in both DCs

  • Correlation of CDR alerts and probes per DC

  • Cloud-based services can be configured on multiple Collectors

  • One consolidator per pair of Collectors

  • Multiple Collector management (no clustering)

  • Roles split based on load from syslog probes and call details

  • Multi Geo Location

  • Sizing of user base /device base

  • Single or dual dashboards can be added for visualization

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and Consolidation’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Data redundancy

  • Multiple Collectors

  • Collector roles are split in both DCs

  • Correlation of CDR alerts and probes per DC

  • Cloud-based services can be configured on multiple Collectors

  • One consolidator per pair of Collectors

  • Multiple collector management (no clustering)

  • Roles split based on load from syslog Probes and Call Details

  • Multi Geo Location

  • Sizing of user base / device base

  • Single or dual dashboards can be added for visualization

  • Webhooks replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active With Split Roles Collection & Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation’



  • Data redundancy

  • Multiple Collectors

  • Collector roles are split in both DCs

  • Cloud-based services can be configured on multiple Collectors

  • Multiple collector management (no clustering)

  • Roles split based on load from syslog probes and call details

  • Multi Geo Location

  • Sizing of user base / device base

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)#

The table provides a solution description and considerations for the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’



  • Data redundancy

  • Multiple Collectors

  • Collector roles are split in both DCs

  • Cloud-based services can be configured on multiple Collectors

  • Multiple collector management (no clustering)

  • Roles split based on load from syslog probes and call details

  • Multi Geo Location

  • Sizing of user base / device base

  • Webhooks replaced by Graph API

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Dual DC Active/Active with Split Roles Collection and No Consolidation (Webhooks Replaced with Graph API)’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.


Mega Deployment#

The image provides a graphical overview of the following example Assurance deployment scenario: ‘Mega Deployment’


For port details, see Comms Matrix.
