Webex App User Management#

Methods to add Webex users#

  • Via Webex Teams Quick Add Subscriber (view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas)

    See Webex Teams Quick Subscriber.

  • Via Subscriber Management > Subscribers

    • See details on the Webex App on the Subscriber topic. See the Cisco Webex topic under Add a Subscriber.

  • Via Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber

    To add a Cisco Webex user using Quick Add Subscriber (QAS), choose the Webex Teams User Template to use for the user. This selection overrides the default user template referenced in the Quick Add Subscriber Groups* associated with the user.

    If a Webex Teams User Template is not selected from the drop-down, selection falls back to the Webex Teams User Template referenced in the associated Quick Add Subscriber Groups. If you want customized values, clone the Webex Teams User Template (via Customizations > Configuration Templates), and edit as required.

  • Via Webex App > Users

    See Add a Cisco Webex User.

    • Phone Numbers and Assigned Licenses can be selected

    • By default, Calling Behavior is Calling in Webex App.

    • By default, No administrator privileges is enabled.

  • Via Flow Through Provisioning

    See: Sync Webex App Users with Flow-through Provisioning

Provision Cisco Webex for an existing user

See: Provisioning Subscribers with Cisco Webex

Webex Teams Quick Subscriber#

This procedure adds a Webex Teams user via a standalone view called view/WebexTeamsSubscriberQas.

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Cisco Webex App > Quick Subscriber.

  2. Select the checkbox to define whether to include users at a higher hierarchy.

  3. Fill out (new user) or select a username (existing user).


    • Once you select a username, to add a new Webex Control Hub user or to update an existing Webex Control Hub user, some details display in read-only fields on the page.

    • When adding new users (typing a name into Username field), user details, phone number and Quick Add Group can be entered.

      Adding a new user is not possible for a Webex Control Hub that is directory synced, that is, the associated Spark Customer details show the Directory Synchronization Enabled checkbox active.

    • If a Webex Control Hub is directory synced, only an existing user can be configured by selecting the user’s Email address and then for example update the phone number or Quick Add Group.

  4. Select a Quick Add Group, which provides Cisco Webex settings.

    The list of available Quick Add Groups are filtered by vendor (see Quick Add Subscriber Groups Vendor Filtering) and restricted according to the Global Setting on the General Settings tab called Quick Add Group lookup level. See: Global Settings.

    The Cisco QAS feature can be used for adding CUCM based services including Webex where the user requires UCM calling.

    The Webex QAS feature can be used for adding Webex services where UCM calling is not required. This may be free calling or Webex calling services.

    If the Webex Calling group is selected, this allows for the user is to be assigned a “Webex Calling - Professional” license that enables the management of calling settings. In this Quick Add Group, the configuration template selected in the Default Webex App Calling Template is “Default Webex Teams User Calling Template”.


    If this Quick Add Group is available in a Subscriber Profile, then the Add Subscriber from Profile subscriber management option will also allow for the management of calling settings.

  5. Select a phone number, or select the Use next available line checkbox.


    If the user is LDAP-synced, updated phone number details are written back to the LDAP user.

  6. Save your changes.

    An email notification may be sent to the user (provided the required email setup is configured).

Add a Cisco Webex User#

This procedure adds a new Cisco Webex user in VOSS Automate.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a Provider, Reseller, Customer, or Site administrator.

  2. Go to (default menus) Cisco Webex App > Users.

  3. View existing Cisco Webex users (synced, or added in VOSS Automate).

  4. Click Add.

  5. Choose the hierarchy where you want to add the Cisco Webex user.

  6. Fill out fields on the Account Details & Calling Settings tab/panel:

    • (Mandatory). Email Address


      The email address is used to match users when they’re moved during an overbuild.

    • First name and last name

    • Manager ID: to select the email address of the manager.

    • Location: the Location selected from those specified on the Webex Control Hub - as synced in.

    • Calling Behavior. Options are auto-populated, and display as one of the following:

      • Calling in Webex App

      • Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)

        Fields for device creation (Iphone, Android, CSF, Tablet) are displayed and checked by default.

      • Cisco Jabber App

      • Third Party App

    • Phone Numbers: The fields: Type (e.g. “Work”) and Number are available for each entry.

    • Extension: Webex Calling extension is available if a user has a Webex Calling license.

    • Assigned Licenses: selected from licenses available on the Cisco Webex service as synced in from the Webex Control Hub.

      • Depending on a user’s license, services such as Collaboration, Conferencing are available.

      • If Webex calling is enabled and a user is assigned a Webex Calling - Professional license, a Calling Settings panel on the form allows for the user management of Calling Settings (such as Barge In, Caller ID, Call Forward, Call Recording, Call Waiting, Intercept).



        If a user has Calling Settings available, these need to be removed and to be reprovisioned if it is necessary to move the subscriber to another site. For move steps, see: Move Users.

  7. On the Roles tab/panel, select relevant roles:

    • No administrator privileges (default)

    • Full administrator privileges. Access to all of the portal’s features, including: assign roles, company policy and templates, device management licenses and upgrades, etc.

    • Read-only administrator privileges. Can view only whatever privileges are available to the full administrator.

    • Support Administrator privileges. Access to user information and support logs.

    • User and Device Administrator

    • Device Administrator

  8. Click Save. The Cisco Webex user is added and can be viewed in the summary list view.


    The list view for Cisco Webex users also displays data (if available), for the following fields, by default:

    • On-Prem UCM Calling Service (True/False) - Defines whether calling services are on-premise or cloud. The On-Prem UCM Calling license is removed if the Cisco Webex Calling (with CUCM) is removed from the user.

    • Calling Behavior (determines license use) - options are:

      • Calling in Webex App - Allows calling via the Webex app using native Webex calling

      • Calling in Webex App (Unified CM) - Allows calling via the Webex app using a registration to CUCM

      • Cisco Jabber App - Allows calling using a Cisco Jabber client registered to CUCM

      • Third Party App - Allows calling using a third party app registered to CUCM

    • Use Organization’s Domain (True/False) - When enabled, the Cisco Webex organization domain is used for calling in Cisco Webex (Unified CM)

    • UC Manager Profile - May be used to identify the required CUCM cluster when a calling behavior using CUCM is selected. If the default CUCM domain is selected, this is not required.

Delete a Cisco Webex User#

This procedure deletes an existing Cisco Webex user (synced, or added via VOSS Automate).

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a Provider, Reseller, Customer, or Site administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy to the Customer or Site level.

  3. Go to (default menus) Cisco Webex App > Users.

  4. Choose the Webex users you wish to delete (one or more).

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click Yes to confirm.

Provisioning Subscribers with Cisco Webex#

This section describes how to provision Cisco Webex for a subscriber, either via the Subscriber list view, or via Quick Add Subscriber (QAS).

Related Topics

Provision Cisco Webex via Subscriber list view#

This procedure provisions a subscriber with Cisco Webex, via the Subscriber list view.


  • The users entitlement profile must have Cisco Webex enabled (Webex App checkbox must be selected).

  • Unless Cisco Webex service assigned is Message only, new users must have an input line specified, and existing users must have either a primary extension, or an input line must be specified.

    See Add a Cisco Webex User

To provision a subscriber with Webex:

  1. In the Admin Portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Subscribers.

  2. From the Subscribers list, click on a subscriber you wish to provision with Cisco Webex.

  3. On the subscriber configuration screen, select the Webex App panel (or if selected as display option, the tab).

  4. In the Webex App User field, expand the Webex App User configuration fields.


    The following Invite Pending checkbox is read-only, indicating the user’s status (whether their Webex account is active).

    Options in the Manager ID and Location fields depend on the Cisco Webex Server to which the Cisco Webex Service is synced.

    The Calling Behaviour field can be “Calling in Webex App”, “Calling in Webex App (Unified CM)”, “Cisco Jabber app” or “Third-Party app”.

  5. In the Assigned License section, the available licenses depend on the Cisco Webex Server to which the Cisco Webex Service is synced.

  6. In the Roles section, select the relevant check boxes to configure the required roles:

    No administrator privileges


    Full administrator privileges

    Access to all of Portal features, including:

    • Assign roles

    • Company policy and templates

    • Device management licenses and upgrades

    Read-only administrator privileges

    View only access to privileges available to a full administrator.

    Support Administrator

    Access to user information and support logs.

    User and Device Administrator


    Device Administrator


  7. Click OK. Cisco Webex is provisioned for the subscriber.

    To verify that Cisco Webex is enabled for the subscriber, ensure the Webex App column in the Subscribers list view displays the text, Enabled.

Provision Cisco Webex via Quick Add Subscriber#

This procedure enables Cisco Webex for a subscriber via Quick Add Subscriber.


  • The user’s entitlement profile must have Cisco Webex enabled (Webex App checkbox must be selected).

  • Unless Cisco Webex service assigned is Message only, new users must have an input line specified, and existing users must have either a primary extension, or an input line must be specified.

    See Add a Cisco Webex User and Add Webex App Service using Quick Add Subscriber

Perform these steps:

  1. Go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Quick Add Subscriber.

  2. From the Username drop-down list, choose the name of the subscriber to be provisioned with Cisco Webex.

  3. Select the Webex App checkbox to enable Cisco Webex for the subscriber.

  4. From the Webex Teams User Template drop-down list, choose the template you want to assign to the user.

  5. Click Save. Cisco Webex is provisioned for the subscriber.

    To verify that Cisco Webex is enabled for the subscriber, ensure the Webex App column in the Subscribers list view displays the text, Enabled.


When Cisco Webex Calling (with CUCM) is removed from a Webex User, the ‘On-Prem UCM Calling’ license is removed from the Webex User.

Sync Webex App Users with Flow-through Provisioning#

When using sync with flow through provisioning for Cisco Webex users, you need to configure several settings in VOSS Automate (including flow through provisioning criteria) before the initial sync from the Webex Control Hub. See: Setting up Flow Through Provisioning.

  • Flow Through Provisioning has been enabled enabled in the Global Settings for a hierarchy (see: Global Settings)

  • The Webex settings on the Site Defaults (see: Site Defaults) matching the user’s location have been configured so that Move Filter Criteria are webexUserModelFilterCriteria.

    These criteria are used as a part of a subscriber profile.

  • The workflow AddSubscriberFromProfile at site uses CFT: Webex_FlowThroughProvisioning_SubscriberFromProfile

This allows VOSS Automate to apply the correct configuration, licenses and services to imported users; and to move users to sites.

Once you run the sync, users are imported, provisioned, licensed, and moved to the correct synced in sites, as subscribers - in accordance with configured Webex User Model Filter Criteria and Subscriber Profile.


Webex Control Hub users who have been assigned Webex Calling Professional licenses and have a Location assigned, this location will not be overwritten by any site setting configured in the VOSS Automate user move component (Model Filter Criteria) of Flow Through Provisioning.

The flowchart sets out the sync with flow through of Ciso Webex users and services.

'Sync with Flow Through Flowchart
!include style.iuml
note right
Prerequisite: VOSS Automate
configured for Cisco Webex
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-model-filter-criteria.html Configure Model Filter Criteria]];
note right
  * For Overbuild, Flow-through
  * Uses webexUserModelFilterCriteria
  * Move user target in Model Filter
    Criteria will be overwritten by
    Cisco Webex Contol Hub Location
    of synced Webex Calling
    Professional users.
end note
:[[../src/user/site-defaults.html Configure Site Defaults]];
note right
  * Overbuild enable, defaults and filter
  * Webex User Model Filter Criteria
end note
:[[../src/user/quick-add-subscriber-groups.html Configure Quick Add Group]];
note right
    CFT: Webex FlowThroughProvisioning
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-subscriber-profiles.html Configure Subscriber Profile]];
note right
    * Webex Calling enabled
    * Quick Add Group specified
      - contains required CFTs
end note
:[[../src/user/flow-through-provisioning.html Configure Flow Through Provisioning Criteria]];
note right
  * Used in Global Settings
  * Uses a Subscriber Profile
  * Uses a Role
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-global-settings.html Configure Global Settings]];
note right
* Enable Flow Through
* Subscriber criteria/profile
  CFT: Webex FlowThroughProvisioning
end note
note right
 * Creates default syncs and schedules
 * [[../src/user/webex-app-sync.html Webex App Sync]]
end note
-> Customer level;
:[[../src/user/webex-app-webex-locations.html Locations]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/webex-app-licenses.html Licenses]];
fork again
-> Site level;
:[[../src/user/webex-app-user-management.html User Management]];
note right
    Webex App
    Flow Through
end note
end fork

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