Introduction to Cisco-Microsoft Hybrid#

The flowchart outlines a Cisco-Microsoft hybrid set up in VOSS Automate.

'Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Subscriber Management Flowchart
!include style.iuml
note right
* Unified CM in site NDL
* MS Teams in site NDL
* [[../src/user/concepts-VOSS-Automate-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft.html Synced MS users at customer level]]
* A synced user name mapping updates
  (existing or add new user)
* Global Settings
  Enabled Services
  Enable Cisco / Microsoft Hybrid
end note
note right
* Select username
end note
if (User already has services?) then (yes)
note right
* Business Admin Portal:
  [[../src/user/concepts-subscriber-profiles.html Subscriber Profile]]
* Admin Portal:
  **Hybrid Subscriber Management: Cisco-Microsoft**
  [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note
note left
* existing services displayed
* services can be modified
end note
else (no)
note right
add, manage services
end note
:Directory Number;
note right
* Business Admin Portal:
  Manual select if unchecked:
  "Use next available line"
* Admin Portal:
  Field available according
  to selected [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note
:Hybrid User;
note right
added/modified according to [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note