Data Collection for Offline Analysis#

Database Data Information#


Collect information relating to actual database data size usage and index configuration.


  1. Log in on the primary unified node.

  2. Run the following commands and save the output in a file:

    voss db_collection_stats


    voss db_index_stats

  3. Send the file with the output to VOSS L2.

Log Collection#


Logs must be extracted to enable offline performance analysis of a platform.


For each node:

  1. Log in as platform.

  2. Run the following command:

    log collect start YYYY-MM-DD end YYYY-MM-DD Note: start and end must cover the period over which performance analysis is required.

  3. Send the output files from each node to VOSS L2.

Export Installed Patch Information#


Ensures platform has all recommended patches installed.


  1. Log into VOSS Automate Admin Portal.

  2. Navigate to About > Extended Version menu.

  3. Open Patches tab.

  4. Export to json (via actions button top right).

  5. Send the output files from each node to VOSS L2.