Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management#


Use the Hybrid Subscriber Management: Cisco-Microsoft menu to provision and manage subscribers with Cisco and Microsoft devices and services.

Related Topics

Provisioning Workflow#

'Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Subscriber Management Flowchart
!include style.iuml
note right
* Unified CM in site NDL
* MS Teams in site NDL
* [[../src/user/concepts-VOSS-Automate-configuration-and-sync-for-microsoft.html Synced MS users at customer level]]
* A synced user name mapping updates
  (existing or add new user)
* Global Settings
  Enabled Services
  Enable Cisco / Microsoft Hybrid
end note
note right
* Select username
end note
if (User already has services?) then (yes)
note right
* Business Admin Portal:
  [[../src/user/concepts-subscriber-profiles.html Subscriber Profile]]
* Admin Portal:
  **Hybrid Subscriber Management: Cisco-Microsoft**
  [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note
note left
* existing services displayed
* services can be modified
end note
else (no)
note right
add, manage services
end note
:Directory Number;
note right
* Business Admin Portal:
  Manual select if unchecked:
  "Use next available line"
* Admin Portal:
  Field available according
  to selected [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note
:Hybrid User;
note right
added/modified according to [[../src/user/concepts-ms-cisco-hybrid-service-definitions.html Service Type]]
end note


  • The Global Setting Enable Cisco / Microsoft Hybrid is enabled, so that the Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management menu is available. See: Enabled Services at Global Settings.

  • To add new hybrid users, sync in the MS Teams users at the customer level. For the management of Microsoft users, see: Microsoft Quick Start Guide for VOSS Automate.

Workflow steps


For a selected user from the User Management > Users menu, these hybrid user management tasks can also be carried out on the Hybrid Status tab of the user by selecting the Update Hybrid Status link.

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a provider admin, at the customer level.

  2. Go to (default menu) Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management > Hybrid Subscriber Management: Cisco-Microsoft

  3. Choose the relevant site.

  4. On the Hybrid Subscriber Management: Cisco-Microsoft page:

    • In the Username field, select the user. MS Teams users should be synced in.

      The user’s CUCM User Identity / AD UserPrincipalName should match MS Teams UserPrincipalName

    • To include users higher in the hierarchy in the Username drop-down, select Include users at higher hierarchy.

  5. When managing a user who already has Cisco or Microsoft services, these services will be displayed in the list of fields on the Existing Services - User Status & Existing Services form.

  6. Select the required hybrid Service Type from the drop-down list.

    The Entitlement Profile and Quick Add Group are hidden as these are associated with the service type.

  7. The Directory Number drop-down list is available to select a number after selecting a service type.


    If the “Cisco-MS-Hybrid” service type is selected, the choice of Directory Number (Internal or E164) will determine the provisioning.

    For details on all the service types, see: Hybrid Service Definitions.