Filtering Sub-Transactions and Logs#

Some transactions have sub-transactions as well as a log list on the transaction detail view. The filtering of sub-transactions and logs works like the list view filter, in other words, a range of matching operators are available.

If a sub-transaction has further sub-transactions, click the Link in its Transaction column to carry out any filtering on nested sub-transactions. To navigate up the sub-transaction hierarchy, click the parent Link.

  • In the Admin Portal, sub-transaction lists can be filtered by entering the filter value in the column header filter boxes of the list:

    • Id

    • Action

    • Status

    • Submitted Time

    • Detail

    More than one filter can be added - this will result in a logical AND of the filters. Filter values are matched case-insensitive and with match operator CONTAINS. To clear a filter, click the “x” in the column header filter box.

  • In the Legacy Admin GUI, use the Filter button below the list of sub-transactions to add a filter in the pop up form. The following columns can be filtered:

    • Action

    • Status

    • Detail

    The following match operators are available: Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, Ends With, Equals, Not Equal. In addition, an Ignore Case Value check box is available to apply to each value. Multiple filters will result in a logical AND of the filters. When a filter is applied to a list, an “X” will show next to the Filter button to clear the filter.

The log columns to filter by, are:

  • Severity

  • Message

  • Duration (some logs - only equals and not equals)

For more details on matching operators when filtering sub-transactions and logs, also refer to “Filtering Lists”.