Introduction to Restoring Backups on a New Environment#

Before restoring a backup on a new environment, take note of the following:

  • Every backup made on the VOSS Automate platform is encrypted using a passphrase.

  • To restore a backup, you need to set the passphrase where the restore will be done.

  • The passphrase is initially set on deployment of the environment and uses the platform user’s password as the passphrase for backup encryption.

  • The passphrase can be set manually using the backup passphrase command.

  • Note that if a new passphrase has been set on the system, all backups made with the previous passphrase cannot be restored unless the passphrase is set back to the passphrase used to create the backup.

  • Currently, two disks can be impacted: the backup drive and the dbroot drive. The backup drive size is initially 50GB and the dbroot size is initially 250GB (60GB on a standalone single-node cluster deployment).

  • If the data size you restore is bigger than the size of these drives, you need to reassign these drives to add more space for the restore.

  • When restoring a backup on a cluster, the latest backup from the highest weighted secondary database server must be used to ensure the entire cluster (excluding the web certificates) including the database is restored and the cluster is automatically provisioned as part of the restore.