Setting the Default Theme#

VOSS Automate provides a number of options to set the default theme upon login.

The list below indicates the priority order in which a theme will be applied:

  1. URL Parameter

    The Login page theme can also be applied to the login page during the log in process. To to this, add URL parameter theme=<theme-name> to the login request URL. This applies and overrides any theme that is set as the Login theme.


    For Self-service, if the theme value is set as login?theme=cisco_selfservice, the theme reverts to the Self-service theme set as the default.

    For example, when two themes are available in the system, XYZ and ABC, and XYZ login page is set as default:

    • Admin Portal (legacy):

      https://instance/login/ - Login page will show use XYZ theme

      https://instance/login/?theme=ABC - Login page will show use ABC theme

    • Admin Portal (introduced at v21.2):

      https://instance/portal/#/admin - Login page will show use XYZ theme

      https://instance/portal/#/login?targetAppMode=admin&theme=ABC - Login page will show use ABC theme

  2. Subdomain of hostname

    If not 1. above:

    If the login URL is not an IP address, but a hostname, then if the subdomain of the hostname matches a theme name, this theme will apply.

    For example, if the hostname is, and a theme with the name customer1 exists, then this theme will be applied.

  3. Default login theme for the interface

    If not 1 and 2 above:

    If a theme has been created for the interface and Use this Theme to style Login page has been enabled, then this theme will be applied to the interface.

  4. Pre-defined defaults

    If not 1, 2, 3 above:

    • For the Self-service interface, the theme voss_selfservice will be applied.

    • For the Administration interface, the theme with name default will be applied.