License Data Export Overview#

The license data export functionality provides a way to collect the appropriate audit data to track VOSS license usage in the system each month. This is required to ensure the billing is aligned with the license usage in the system according to our contract.

License data export is required on all production systems.

This functionality provides two views of the data:

Data to be provided to VOSS

Aggregated counts and other data required for billing. The tool does not collect any data identifying users or customers on the system. This data is provided to VOSS for billing.

Local view for the partner

As above, except that it includes identifying information about the customers. This is to help you better understand the data in terms of your customer base. No user data is collected. It is the partner’s discretion to share this data with VOSS.

Files are raw JSON format, and contain the data used when processing into the CSV files. These are typically used by VOSS to view the raw data in the event of anomalies in the CSV files.

The data is correlated and written to a file locally on the system, scheduled for the end of each month, and provides an aggregated snapshot of services consumed in the system, in terms of VOSS license definitions.

On the billing anniversary determined by your contract (for example, monthly or quarterly) the files required by VOSS need to be collected and provided. This can be done by the partner or via VOSS support if access is available from the partner.

Files are retained on the system for two years and are automatically removed at the end of this period.

The Public Sector setting at the customer hierarchy node allows you to flag a customer as Public Sector for licensing purposes, in the event that the contract includes public sector licenses. The setting should be checked for any customers that are consuming public sector licenses to ensure accurate billing. It can be modified on any existing customers or set for new customers, as required.