Resource Accounts#


MS Teams resource accounts are licensed, non-enabled user accounts that may be created to assign system resources to voice features such as call queues and auto attendants.

Changes you make to resource accounts in VOSS Automate are synced to the MS Teams portal. When adding or updating resource accounts in the MS Teams portal, these changes are also synced to VOSS Automate.


From Automate 24.1, only Microsoft 365 Global Admins or User Admins will be able to create and manage resource accounts. The following roles will no longer have “user create” permissions on resource accounts:

  • Teams Administrator

  • Teams Communications Administrator

  • Teams Telephony Administrator

Organizations using these Teams roles will require administrators with the “user create” permission, such as Microsoft 365 Global Admin or User Admin, in order to create and manage resource accounts.

View, Modify, and Add Resource Accounts#

This procedure displays, adds, and edits resource accounts from within the VOSS Automate Admin portal.


Resource accounts can only be deleted using PowerShell. It is not possible to delete resource accounts from the VOSS Automate Admin portal or from the MS Teams cloud portal.

  1. In the VOSS Automate Admin portal, go to (default menus) Subscriber Management > Resource Accounts to open the Resource Accounts list view.

  2. View details of existing resource accounts in the list view.


    The list view displays resource accounts that have been added either in the MS Teams cloud portal or in VOSS Automate. Each resource account has a display name, and is associated with a username, and a device.

  3. Choose an option:

    • To modify an existing resource account, click on a resource account in the list to open its the editing page. Update the resource account, and save your changes.


      The following fields are editable: Application ID, Display Name

      Changes you make to resource accounts in VOSS Automate are synced to the MS Teams portal. When adding or updating resource accounts in the MS Teams portal, these changes are also synced to VOSS Automate.

    • To add a new resource account, click the Plus icon (+) to add a new record, then:

      • At Application ID, choose an option, either call queue or auto attendant.

      • At Display Name, fill out a user-friendly display name for the new resource account.

      • Mandatory. At Username fill out a username.

      • At Domains, choose a domain.


        The value for User Principal Name (UPN) is auto-populated, and is a combination of the display name you specify, and the domain name you choose from the drop-down.

        Domain names are imported from Azure and are associated with your Microsoft tenant, which may have multiple domains.

        Once you save the resource account, the UPN is read-only.

  4. Save your changes.


    Adding a new resource account creates an Office 365 user in the MS Teams portal, which may be identified via their department name, Microsoft Communications Application Instance.

    Deleting this user account from Office 365 places the linked resource account in an Inactive state, although it remains associated with the auto attendant.

    When resource accounts (resource users) are added to call queues and auto attendants, deleting a call queue or auto attendant triggers a system workflow that first disassociates any associated resource accounts, then deletes the call queue or auto attendant.

    Refresh your MS Teams portal account to view updates to resource accounts made from the VOSS Automate Admin portal.