Locate a User Associated with a CUC Device Model#


Only for the Cisco configuration.

The CUC device models use internal UUID references to the CUC user objects. As a result, most CUC device models do not have a field showing the ID of the user associated with the device model. You can use Search in VOSS Automate to find the associated user information.

Perform these steps:

  1. Go to (default menus) Overbuild > Device Models.

  2. Click the desired CUC device model in the menu, then view the list of CUC device models that display.

  3. Click the relevant device model instance.

  4. In the CUC device model output, find the field Subscriber Object ID.

  5. Search for the following string in the VOSS Automate Admin Portal. See Search in VOSS Automate

    device/cuc/User WITH object_id like 9b16c8ce-edd9-43c4-9262-c25296d3560b

    where 9b16c8ce-edd9-43c4-9262-c25296d3560b would be replaced with the output of the Subscriber Object ID.

    The equivalent VOSS Automate API request would be:
