Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)#

An administrator can check and enable the system for adherence to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).


The use of FIPS on the system requires a subscription to the Ubuntu Pro service package from Canonical in order to obtain the necessary cryptographic modules.

See https://ubuntu.com/pro/

A valid subscription to the Ubuntu UA service is required for each individual node. Commands also need to be run on each node.

Internet access will be required from your system - either directly, or via a proxy - to the necessary Ubuntu Pro service package URLs.

  • All system passwords are stored using FIPS 140-2 complaint encryption algorithms, when FIPS mode is enabled or not.

  • If FIPS is enabled on a system, all install scripts and templates are encrypted and decrypted using FIPS 140-2 complaint encryption algorithms.

To check the system FIPS status, use system ua.

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua status
fips          yes        NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates  yes        NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates

This machine is not attached to a UA subscription.
See https://ubuntu.com/advantage

The output above shows that services are available, but are not attached to the current node.

FIPS Enablement Steps#

The step by step process to enable FIPS is as follows. Carry out the commands on each node:

  1. Configure the proxy access

  2. Attach the node to the FIPS subscription

  3. Enable FIPS Service

  4. Reboot the node

  5. Repeat the above steps for all the nodes in the cluster

Configure the proxy access#

Configure the proxy access if required, if the node is not set up to allowed to access the internet directly - for FIPS package retrieval.

Display the current proxy configuration:

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua config show
http_proxy              None
https_proxy             None
ua_apt_http_proxy       None
ua_apt_https_proxy      None
global_apt_http_proxy   None
global_apt_https_proxy  None
metering_timer          11000

Set a proxy:

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua config set http_proxy

https_proxy      None
ua_apt_http_proxy   None
ua_apt_https_proxy  None
global_apt_http_proxy   None
global_apt_https_proxy  None

Unset a proxy:

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua config unset http_proxy

http_proxy       None
https_proxy      None
ua_apt_http_proxy   None
ua_apt_https_proxy  None
global_apt_http_proxy   None
global_apt_https_proxy  None

Attach the node to the FIPS subscription#

Attach a node to the FIPS subscription with the command: system ua attach.

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua attach
You are about to attach this node to a UA account. Do you wish to continue? y
Please enter the UA account key
This machine is now attached to 'UA Infrastructure - Essential (Virtual)'

fips          yes       disabled  NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates  yes       disabled  NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates

Operation in progress: ua attach

Enable services with: ua enable <service>

                Account: My Account Name
           Subscription: UA Infrastructure - Essential (Virtual)
            Valid until: YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00+00:00
Technical support level: essential



  • The entered value of Key: is not displayed.

  • The heading now shows as ENTITLED  STATUS.

To detach the UA subscription from a node, thus rendering the node disconnected from further updates, use the system ua detach command on the node.

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua detach
WARNING: Continuing with this command will render this node destroyed

Do you want to continue? y
Detach will disable the following service:
Updating package lists
A reboot is required to complete disable operation.
This machine is now detached.

You have new mail in /var/mail/platform


After a node has been detached from the subscription, critical services will no longer be working on that node.

This command should only be used when the node is no longer in service. Should the node be removed by accident, the fail-over recovery process must be followed to replace that node. The previous instance will have to be detached by removing it on the Ubuntu Pro customer page.

Enable FIPS Service#

After the FIPS subscription has been attached to a node, enable the selected <service> on the node: either fips or fips-updates.


After running the system ua enable <fips|fips-updates> command, a node reboot is required.

  • The enable process will take approximately 15 minutes for enabling fips per node.

  • The enable process will take approximately 30 minutes for enabling fips-updates per node.

Only one of fips or fips-updates can be enabled. Once enabled, the selection cannot be changed.

The required security and versions of packages for FIPS are obtained and installed on the system.

The STATUS column shows the service status.

platform@VOSS:~$ system ua status
fips          yes       enabled   NIST-certified core packages
fips-updates  yes       disabled  NIST-certified core packages with priority security updates

FIPS support requires system reboot to complete configuration.

Enable services with: ua enable <service>

                Account: My Account Name
           Subscription: UA Infrastructure - Essential (Virtual)
            Valid until: YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00+00:00
Technical support level: essential


Upgrading from Release 19.3.x with FIPS enabled#

If FIPS was enabled a your system (release 19.3.x) prior to upgrade, note the following:

  • Obtain and run EKB-11024-19.3.4_patch.script.

    1. On the Customer Portal, go to Downloads > VOSS Automate > 19.3.4 > Patches > EKB-11024-19.3.4_patch.

    2. Download EKB-11024-19.3.4_patch.script and follow installation instructions in MOP-EKB-11024-19.3.4_patch.pdf.

  • After system upgrade, any existing FIPS setup is removed and FIPS needs to be re-enabled. No system fips commands are available - FIPS commands are replaced with system ua commands.

  • After system upgrade and before re-enabling FIPS, the voss upgrade_db command cannot be used. A message shows:

    This system was FIPS enabled previously. To proceed, please enable the Ubuntu Pro
    program first before proceeding with the rest of the upgrade
    To do this, run 'system ua attach' and 'system ua enable <fips|fips-upgrade>'
  • Prior to FIPS re-enablement on an upgraded system, obtain the UA account key values for the nodes. These will be used when running system ua attach.

    System logs do not show entered key values - these are displayed as XXXXXXX.

  • During upgrade from release 19.3.x, after the cluster upgrade, cluster check, and security update (if needed) steps, run the FIPS Enablement Steps. Also refer to the Upgrade Guide for general upgrade steps.