License Counting Process#

The license counting process is independent from writing the file and runs on its own schedule:

  • This includes overall license counts as well as which users are consuming a license in the system

  • Enables the license consumption to be viewed in the system via the admin portal

  • Runs daily at 1AM UTC- this schedule is created and activated automatically.

  • Can also be run manually via CLI as needed outside the schedule – can choose a hierarchy to run it for (e.g just part of the system) - see: License Counting process commands.

  • For full details on the license counting logic and output, see License Counting Details.

Viewing License Consumption via the Admin Portal#

The results of the last license counting process can be viewed via the admin portal. This includes overall license counts as well as which users are consuming a license in the system.:

  • User License status - As a License Audit Status field in the list view of the User Management > Users (data/User) menu. You can see this in the list view or when viewing a specific user. When viewing a specific user, the linked services details will indicate the services the user is consuming for further details. The license status field will indicate if the user is:

    • Licensed - consuming a license

    • Unlicensed - not consuming a license

    • Unknown - status has not been determined yet - typically means the user was added since the last calculation was run


    This column will only show after the first run of the license-audit-service.

  • Overall License counts - License Counts from the About menu (data/LicenseAuditCounts model).

License Audit Report#

The process to generate the license audit report is independent from the counting of the licenses. This process simply takes the results of the counting process recorded and writes them to the appropriate files.

  • Runs monthly at 3AM UTC on the first day of each month - this schedule is created and activated automatically.

  • How the generated file(s) are handled will depend on the setup on your system - see Distributing Licensing Reports. This outlines the numerous options to set up the platform to automatically send files off the system to required destination(s) or alternate ways to access the files as required.

  • This takes the data recorded by the license counting process above and writes it to a file

  • The format of the file and the contents are outlined in License Audit Report File Details.

  • Files are retained on the system for two years and are automatically removed at the end of this period.

The files generated provides 2 views of the data (different CSV files):

  1. Anonymous - Aggregated counts and other data required for billing. The tool does not collect any data identifying users or customers on the system. This file is typically sufficient to provide VOSS for billing purposes.

  2. Detailed-  As above, except that it includes identifying information about the customers instead of IDs. This same data can be viewed through the admin portal as noted above. This file may need to be shared with VOSS depending on your agreement.

On the billing anniversary determined by your contract (for example, monthly or quarterly) the files required by VOSS need to be collected and provided. This can be done by the partner or via VOSS support if access is available from the partner. This is why automated delivery of the file is recommended as outlined in Distributing Licensing Reports.