Number Management Overview#

The chart provides an overview of the Number Management feature, highlighting internal number and external E164 number management and association.


  • If Number Management is not required, this can be disabled for a Customer by deselecting the Disable Number Management setting. See: Customers.

  • The E164 Number Management is used only in a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) environment, which has the concept of internal numbers and associated E164 Numbers. It is valid in Microsoft and in some Cisco deployments to add E164 numbers directly to the number inventory (and to completely ignore E164 Number Management).

Related Topics

!include style.iuml

while (Number Management enabled for customer? [default] ) is (No)
  :[[../src/user/create-customer.html Enable Number Management]];
endwhile (Yes)
if (Numbers to manage?) then (Internal Numbers)
:[[../src/user/concepts-directory-number-inventory.html Number Inventory Overview]];
:[[../src/user/concepts-number-inventory-list-view.html Number Inventory]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/concepts-range-management.html Number Range Management]];
note right
 * Management tasks
 * If Vendor is "Microsoft",
   then Internal Number Type
   can be set: "Direct Routing",
   "Calling Plan",
   "Operator Connect"
end note
:[[../src/user/concepts-directory-number-cooling.html Number Cooling]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/concepts-number-reservation.html Number Reservation]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/run-dni-audit-tool.html Audit]];
end fork
end fork
else (External Numbers or E164 Numbers)
:[[../src/user/dn-inventory-management.html E164 Overview]];
:[[../src/user/e164-inventory.html E164 Inventory]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/add-e164-inventory.html Add E164 Numbers]];
end fork
if (Manage Number-E164 associations?) then (Yes)
:[[../src/user/manage-ranges-of-dns.html Manage Ranges of Numbers]];
fork again
:[[../src/user/manage-single-dns.html Manage Single Numbers]];
end fork
:[[../src/user/Migrate-Manually-Configured-E164-DN-Association-Translation-Patterns.html Migrate E164-Number associations]];
else (No)