Associate/Disassociate Pilot Number to a Site#

Associate Pilot Number to Site#

This procedure associates an existing voicemail pilot number to a site.


  • Add the voicemail pilot number. See Pilot Numbers


    In VOSS Automate, the event related to SIP Local Gateway may be generated as a result. Also you can select an E164 number to associate with the Pilot Number.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as a Customer or Provider administrator.

  2. Set the hierarchy to the relevant site.

  3. Go to (default menus) Apps Management > CUC > Associate Pilot Number to Site.

  4. Click the Plus icon (+) to add the pilot number to site association.

  5. At Voice Mail Service (mandatory), choose the voicemail service to associate with the site.

  6. At Voice Mail Service Pilot Number (mandatory), choose the pilot number for the voicemail service you selected.

  7. At E164 Number (optional), choose a E164 number from your site’s inventory to associate with the pilot number, or type the E164 number you want to use.


    You must choose (or specify) an available E164 number. The transaction will fail if you choose an E164 number that is already assigned.

  8. Click Save.

    The voicemail service pilot number is associated with the site:

    • The association appears in the list. When a pilot number is associated to a site, the Site Management > Defaults > CUC Defaults are updated so that the subscriber management templates can take advantage of this new voicemail service for the site.

    • If the site has one or more SIP Local Gateways associated with it and an E164 number has been specified, the HcsSipLocalGwAddVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.

Disassociate Pilot Number from a Site#


In VOSS Automate, the event related to SIP Local Gateway is generated as a result.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as the Customer Administrator. For a list of the roles and tasks that can be done at each level, see Dial Plan Roles and Privileges.

  2. Choose Services > Voice Mail > Associate Pilot Number to Site.

  3. From the list of associations, choose the Pilot Number association to be disassociated, by selecting the check box in the leftmost column.

  4. Click Delete to disassociate the Pilot Number from the site.

  5. From the popup window, click Yes to confirm the change.

    • When the delete action is complete, the Pilot Number association to the site disappears from the list.

    • If the site has one or more SIP Local Gateways associated with it, the HcsSipLocalGwDelVoiceMailPilotNumberEVT event is generated. If enabled, the IOS Command Builder generates the default IOS commands associated with the event for each SIP Local Gateway.