Customizing Quick Add Groups#

Quick Add Groups (QAGs) provide a selection of service defaults for use in subscriber management, particularly when using Quick Add Subscriber (QAS).

One or more Quick Add Groups may be available at a site. You’ll choose a Quick Add Group during the Quick Add Subscriber workflow.

Administrators at customer hierarchy level and higher can modify Quick Add Groups. By default, a Quick Add Group is created for each site when it is created. Service defaults that are applied at the site level are stored in a read-only Quick Add Group called “default”, and serve as a template for the one created at the site. Service defaults available in a Quick Add Group are stored as configuration templates (CFTs) to services.

The following types of customization is done at site level:

  • Add new Quick Add Groups (and CFTs)

  • Add and select different CFTs to be used in an existing Quick Add Group

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