Pilot Numbers#

Add a Pilot Number#


To create one or more Voice Mail Pilot Numbers for Voice Mail Services that have previously been associated with the customer, the following procedures must be completed before performing this procedure:

  • Voice Mail Service must be created. See Create Voice Mail Service.

  • Voice Mail Service must be associated with the customer. See Associate Voice Mail Services to Customer.


In VOSS Automate, you can select the voice mail pilot number from a list of available DN inventory.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in as provider or customer administrator.

  2. Make sure the hierarchy path is set to the customer or site that you are defining a Voice Mail Pilot Number for.

  3. Choose Apps Management > CUC > Pilot Numbers.

  4. Click Add to associate a pilot number with the voice mail service that has been associated with the customer.

  5. From the Voice Mail Service drop-down, select the appropriate Voice Mail Service from the list of Voice Mail Services associated with the customer.

  6. From the Voice Mail Pilot Number drop-down, select a Pilot Number from the list of your available DN inventory, or type the Pilot Number you want to use in the field. This is the internal Voice Mail Pilot Number that can be dialed from site.


    You can add one or more pilot numbers for a single voice mail service.

  7. Click Save to create the pilot number. The Pilot Number appears in the list. When a Pilot Number is created for a Voice Mail Service and the Integrated with CUCM check box was selected for the Voice Mail Service, the following is provisioned based on the deployment mode of the Voice Mail server:

    Voice Mail Deployment Mode

    Cisco Unified Communications Manager


    At customer level: Route List, Route Pattern, CSS, Voice Mail Pilot, Voice Mail Profile


    At customer level: Route List, Route Pattern, CSS, Voice Mail Pilot, Voice Mail Profile

Delete a Voice Mail Pilot Number#

  1. Log in as the Customer Administrator. For a list of the roles and tasks that can be done at each level, see Dial Plan Roles and Privileges.

  2. Choose Apps Management > CUC > Pilot Numbers.

  3. From the list of Pilot Numbers, choose the number to be deleted, by selecting the check box in the leftmost column.

  4. Click Delete to delete the Voice Mail Pilot Number.

  5. From the popup window, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    When the delete action is complete, the Voice Mail Pilot Number disappears from the list.