Backup Passphrase#

System backups are encrypted. The encryption key is initially set as the platform user’s password as set in the installation wizard.

An encryption key is required to delete, export, restore and create a backup. If the backups are on an external system, they can be deleted manually.

It is recommended that this be changed after installation.This can be done by running backup passphrase.


Changing the passphrase on a node affects only the backups created on that node. The passphrase should be changed on all nodes to keep the passphrase in sync.

The passphrase is subject the same rules as a password. For example, if the minimum password length is set using user password length, this also applies to the passphrase. See also Password Strength Rules.

The following example shows the console output:

platform@masternode:~$ backup passphrase
Please enter current backup passphrase
Please enter new backup passphrase
Please re-enter new backup passphrase

Backup passphrase successfully changed

Keep this password, because restoring the backup to a new system requires this password.

To restore on the new system, run backup passphrase and enter the password used to create the backup.