Microsoft Teams Reporting Dashboards#


VOSS Insights provides optional reporting components for Microsoft Teams that can be imported at install time, if required. These components allow you to obtain data from Microsoft Teams and to use this data to create dashboards for displaying and reporting on Microsoft Teams user activity and resource usage in your system. This includes data relating to, for example, devices, chat, meetings, and calls. Data can also be obtained for user licenses and subscribed SKUs, which allows you to determine how licenses are being used in your organization, and thus to manage license costs.

Call records from Microsoft Teams are pulled into the Arbitrator using Webhooks, and are used for alarms and reporting.

Preparing for Microsoft Reporting#

To collect MS Teams data via MS Graph API for reporting and dashboards in Insights, you’ll need to configure the Microsoft tenant (on Microsoft). You’ll need to register the application and obtain a customer tenant ID, client secret, and client ID. You’ll need to provide these details on the Arbitrator to allow Arbitrator to collect the data.

To collect and display MS Teams data:

  1. In the Arbitrator, via Configuration > Archive Management > Configuration Management tab, choose the MS Teams tenant ID for the tenant from which you’re collecting data.

    This allows Arbitrator to collect the data from Microsoft Teams via the Microsoft Graph API, and to populate the relevant tables.


    See the Configuration section in the Arbitrator Administration Guide for further details.

  2. In the Dashboard, create search definitions to display the data. See Saved Search Definitions.

Resource Data#

When creating or editing a widget, resources available for a selected data source include a range of Microsoft specific items. These can be identified by prefix: ms_teams_.

For example, call record data is available in the resources with prefix: ms_teams_callrecord_.

Insights Arbitrator can be configured to collect license usage data from Microsoft Teams via the Microsoft Graph API:

  • ms_teams_subscribedskus

  • ms_teams_userlicenses

Executive and Technical Level Persona Dashboards#

The provided default dashboards are grouped into two persona levels:

  • Executive level: summary information and visualization data focusing on license usage and user activity and trends, as well as diagnostics and performance.

  • Technical level: detailed information and visualization data focusing on user and call details and analysis as well as service, endpoint and device performance.

The lists below provide information and examples of details of the widgets on the provided dashboards for these persona levels.

Management - Executive Summary#

  • Microsoft Teams Adoption

    • Microsoft Teams - License Usage Activity

      Includes annual cost, user activity and inactivity by time periods (months, weeks), as well as tenant and user breakdown by last teams activity and cost.

    • Microsoft Teams Licensing - Trend

      License usage by type, number of licenses used

    • Microsoft Teams - User Activity

      Active user counts by calling, meetings, chat; busiest days

    • Microsoft Teams - User Review

      Most active calling organizers, participants

  • Microsoft Teams Diagnostics

    • Microsoft Teams Session Review

      Teams user activity trends, call counts, duration and quality

  • Microsoft Teams Performance

    • Cloud Health

      • Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Cloud Status

        Service reliability, status, events and incidents

  • Microsoft Teams Users Device and Rooms

    • Microsoft Teams - Headset Performance

      Top media capture and render devices, also by operating system and user

    • Teams Teamwork Devices

      Device types, hardware models, buildings and meeting rooms

Technical - Detailed#

  • Microsoft Teams Adoption

    • Microsoft Teams - Detailed User Activity

      Top and number of active users, calls and durations, consolidated meetings and chats, active teams user status

    • Microsoft Teams - Usage Analysis

      Total and volume of calls, meetings, modality, private and team chat

  • Microsoft Teams Diagnostics

    • Microsoft Teams - Call List

      Vendor; call type, list and error; modality and quality

    • Microsoft Teams - Call Summary

    • Microsoft Teams - Call Debug

      Call details, status, duration, quality; participant list; user agent details: caller and callee. Drill-down options are available to also show Failures by Subnet/Location.

    • Microsoft Teams Session Review

      User count; active users; calls count, volume trend, duration

    • Microsoft Teams Call Feedback Ratings

    • MSTeams Call Quality Alerts

  • Microsoft Teams Performance

    • Service Health

      • Microsoft Teams - Experience Overview

        Service reliability status; call quality, over time; cloud service status; Jitter incl. audio; packet loss; round trip time

      • Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Managed Issues

        Service reliability; cloud service status; top active event categories, service events, feature events; incident resolved indicator; Microsoft event list and journal

    • Endpoint ISP Impact on Performance

      • Microsoft Teams - End User Locations and Service Provider Performance

        Top locations and service providers by poor audio density and quality, video density and quality; call types; connection types

  • Microsoft Teams Users Device and Rooms

    • Microsoft Teams - Headset Performance

      Top capture devices, also by device glitch ratio, not functioning ratio, most send and received quality ratios; user device list and feedback

    • Microsoft Teams - Active Directory User List

      User list: with user details

    • Microsoft Teams Devices

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