Insights Security#

System Security#

Security Patches and Updates#

Security updates are done with every software release.

Security and Security Policy Management#

Upon installation, user passwords are restricted as follows:

  • Password length : 8

  • Minimum number of days between password change : 1

  • Maximum number of days between password change : 60

  • Number of days of warning before password expires : 14

  • Number number of days between password change: 10

User password and account security settings and policy details can also be configured.

Creating Additional Users#

The system ships with the following user accounts:

  • root – ssh root is disabled. Gaining root access can only be done with a VOSS employee present.

  • admin – ssh is allowed however, the admin user does not have a shell. When logging in with admin, you are immediately presented with a menu.

  • drop – ssh is not allowed, only sftp.

  • sysadmin – ssh is allowed but access is restricted only via a rbash shell.

The system does not allow you to create any additional users.

Creating and Managing SFTP Users#

The drop user can be used to sftp files to the box. The drop password can be administered through our admin menu.

SSH key management#

SSH authentication requires maintaining the system SSH keys. This can be configured through the admin menu.

Network Security#


This table includes connectivity requirements between Insights Arbitrator, Reporting Dashboard, as well as connectivity between these and the following: VOSS Automate, NTP, DNS and AD.



Port / protocol


Arbitrator Server / Dashboard Server

 Arbitrator Server / Dashboard Server

5432, 5433, 5000, 60514, 64514, 64515, 65515, 65516, 64005, 64004, 62009, 62010 (all TCP)

Note:  Intra-system communication and queries  – Bi-directional

Arbitrator Server

Arbitrator Server

62002, 62003, 62004, 62005, 62006, 11501,30501, 30503, 40501, 40503 (all TCP)

 Note:  VOSS Fabric TLS tunnel Connection Ports – Bi-directional between Customer systems and NOC systems for event forwarding

Arbitrator Server / Dashboard Server

Network Resources (NTP, DNS)

53, 123 UDP

Time and DNS

Client PC – GUI Interface and CLI Management Access

 Arbitrator Server / Dashboard Server

443, 8443, 22, 80 TCP

User Interface Access

VOSS Automate

Dashboard Server


Database access

Arbitrator Server / Dashboard Server


389 636 TCP UDP


Web Certificate Setup Options#

The platform installs a self-signed certificate for the web-frontend by default. This provides encryption of the web-traffic but does not provide users with valid authentication that the server is correct or protect against man-in-the-middle attacks. Customer can install their own certificates through the admin menu.


  • Only one certificate file can be installed on the platform.

  • Please note the importance of ensuring that SSL certificates generated match the assigned network name of the platform.


Web Configuration#

The platform uses Apache as its web server. The configuration has been updated to secure the web server.

The system’s cipher configuration has been updated to only support “high” encryption cipher suites. This currently means those with key lengths larger than 128 bits, and some cipher suites with 128-bit keys.

For details, refer to the Apache Config menu option upon installation or configuration.

See: Deploy and VM Installation Steps

The following table describes how Apache is secured.

Apache Modules

Only the necessary modules are installed. Apache is packaged using VOSS’s proprietary package manager so that only VOSS can update Apache’s configuration.

access_compat_module, alias_module, authn_core_module, authz_core_module, authz_host_module, autoindex_module, core_module, deflate_module, dir_module, filter_module, headers_module, http_module, log_config_module, logio_module, mime_magic_module, mime_module, mpm_prefork_module, php5_module, proxy_http_module, proxy_module, proxy_wstunnel_module, qos_module, rewrite_module, session_cookie_module, session_module, setenvif_module, so_module, socache_shmcb_module, ssl_module, unixd_module

Privileges, Permissions, and Ownership

The Apache User and Group directives are set to run as a non-root user, “apache”. The “apache” user does not have ssh or login access.

Core Dump

The CoreDumpDirectory is disabled.

OverRide Disabled

OS Root Directory and all other directories has setting: AllowOverride None

Features, Content, Options

All directories has setting: Options None

Default Content removed

Default HTML and cgi content removed.

HTTP Request Methods Restricted

HTTP request methos limited to GET POST OPTIONS

HTTP TRACE Method Disabled

TraceEnable off

Force HTTP 1.1

# Force HTTP 1.1

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !HTTP/1.1$

RewriteRule .* - [F]

HTTP Strict Transport Security

Header set Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload”

Information Leakage

ServerTokens ProductOnly


ServerSignature Off

ETag Response Header

FileETag None

Restricted Files

Access to .ht* files are restricted.


Only https port 443 supported.


Only TLSv1.2+ supported


Only HIGH SSLCipherSuite supported


System is installed with a self signed certificate. Customer may install their own signed certificate through the admin menu.

Denial of Service Mitigations

Mod_qos is installed and configured to fight slowloris., nmap vulnerability, and sslcans are consistently updated and run weekly on our product to ensure that we have the best possible settings for our web server.


The platform was scanned with an external openscap tool using the DISA STIG specification for RHEL7. Refer to Scan Results in this document.

Because our operating system is proprietary, there is no specification designed specifically for our operating system so we used the DISA STIG specification for RHEL7 as reference.

Both the openscap tool and the specification are external and not controlled by VOSS.

We also scan our system within VOSS using on a daily basis.

DISA STIG refers to an organization (DISA — Defense Information Systems Agency) that provides technical guides (STIG — Security Technical Implementation Guide).

The Rhel7 specification we used was provided by the Defense Information Systems Agency.

Many of the modules could not be validated as the operating system is not Redhat


Refer to Open Source License Usage for the list of packages, versions and licenses used in VOSS Insights.

Scan Results#

The tables below show the scan results of the external openscap tool using the DISA STIG specification for RHEL7.

Where the result is False, Unknown or Error, the Response column provides details.




Reference ID



oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95733

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must label all off-loaded audit logs before sending them to the central log server.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95731

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must take appropriate action when the audisp-remote buffer is full.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95729

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must configure the au-remote plugin to off-load audit logs using the audisp-remote daemon.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95715

Verify /etc/pam.d/system-auth is included in /etc/pam.d/passwd

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 93705

Audit Kernel Module Creation - create _module

Kernel does not support modules.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 92521

RHEL-07-040201 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must implement virtual address space randomization.

ASLR is enabled.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 92519

Require authentication upon booting into single-user and maintenance modes.

Password is required.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 92517

Disable dccp Kernel Module

DCCP is not enabled.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 885

[CCE-27394-6] [auditd _data _retention _action _mail _acct]

Auditd Email Account to Notify Upon Action

Auditd is not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 87815

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that the audit system takes appropriate action when there is an error sending audit records to a remote system.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 878

[CCE-80431-0] [audit _rules _usergroup _modification _shadow]

Audit User/Group Modification (/etc/shadow)

Root readable writable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 875

[CCE-80435-1] [audit _rules _usergroup _modification _passwd]

Audit User/Group Modification (/etc/passwd)

Root readable writable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 872

[CCE-80430-2] [audit _rules _usergroup _modification _opasswd]

Audit User/Group Modification (opasswd)

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 87057

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must implement certificate status checking for PKI authentication.

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86943

The ipv6.disable Kernel Boot Option Check

Not disabled.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 869

[CCE-80432-8] [audit _rules _usergroup _modification _gshadow]

Audit User/Group Modification (gshadow)

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86815

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - kmod

Auditd is not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86765

Record Any Attempts to Run setfiles

setfiles not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86715

The operating system must immediately notify the System Administrator (SA) and Information System Security Officer (ISSO) (at a minimum) via email when the threshold for the repository maximum audit record storage capacity is reached.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86711

The audit system must take appropriate action when the audit storage volume is full.

System has various logrotation policies, db deletion policies to help keeping disk not full.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86709

The operating system must encrypt the transfer of audit records off-loaded onto a different system or media from the system being audited.

Auditd is not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86707

The operating system must off-load audit records onto a different system or media from the system being audited.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86703


The audit service must be running.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86689


The system must use a separate file system for /tmp (or equivalent).

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86639

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that all local interactive user home directories are defined in the /etc/passwd file.

True. No additional uses may be added to system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 866

[CCE-80433-6] [audit _rules _usergroup _modification _group]

Audit User/Group Modification (/etc/group)

Root readable writable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86555

Passwords must be restricted to a 60-day maximum lifetime.

Not supported. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 805

[CCE-80386-6] [audit _rules _unsuccessful _file _modification _open] [audit _rules _unsuccessful _file _modification _open]

RHEL-07-030510 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the creat, open, openat, open _by _handle _at, truncate and ftruncate syscalls.

Commands not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 776

[CCE-80381-7] [audit _rules _system _shutdown]

Shutdown System When Auditing Failures Occur

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 773

[CCE-27461-3] [audit _rules _sysadmin _actions]

Audit System Administrator Actions

System Administrator is restricted through admin shell.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 763

[CCE-80399-9] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _userhelper]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - userhelper

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 760

[CCE-80396-5] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _unix _chkpwd]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - unix _chkpwd

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 757

[CCE-80405-4] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _umount]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - umount

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 751

[CCE-80401-3] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _sudo]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - sudo

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 748

[CCE-80400-5] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _su]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - su

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 745

[CCE-80408-8] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _ssh _keysign]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - ssh _keysign

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 739

[CCE-80407-0] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _postqueue]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - postqueue

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 736

[CCE-80406-2] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _postdrop]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - postdrop

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 733

[CCE-80395-7] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _passwd]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - passwd

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 730

[CCE-80411-2] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _pam _timestamp _check]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - pam _timestamp _check

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 727

[CCE-80403-9] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _newgrp]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - newgrp

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 724

[CCE-80397-3] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _gpasswd]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - gpasswd

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 721

[CCE-80410-4] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _crontab]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - crontab

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 718

[CCE-80404-7] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _chsh]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - chsh

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 715

[CCE-80398-1] [audit _rules _privileged _commands _chage]

Ensure auditd Collects Information on the Use of Privileged Commands - chage

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 710

[audit _rules _privileged _commands]

The Red Hat EnterpriseLinux Operating system must audit all executions of privileged functions.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 686

[CCE-27447-2] [audit _rules _media _export]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the mount command and syscall.

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 676

[CCE-80384-1] [audit _rules _login _events _lastlog]

Record Attempts to Alter Login and Logout Events - lastlog

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 675

[CCE-80383-3] [audit _rules _login _events _faillock]

Record Attempts to Alter Login and Logout Events - faillock

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 658

[CCE-80415-3] [audit _rules _kernel _module _loading _delete]

Audit Kernel Module Loading and Unloading - delete _module

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 657

[CCE-80414-6] [audit _rules _kernel _module _loading _init]

RHEL-07-030820 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the init _module and finit _module syscalls.

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 626

[CCE-27206-2] [audit _rules _file _deletion _events _unlink]

RHEL-07-030910 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the unlink, unlinkat, rename, renameat and rmdir syscalls.

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 621

[CCE-80392-4] [audit _rules _execution _setsebool]

Record Any Attempts to Run setsebool

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 618

[CCE-80391-6] [audit _rules _execution _semanage]

Record Any Attempts to Run semanage

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 612

[CCE-80393-2] [audit _rules _execution _chcon]

Record Any Attempts to Run chcon

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 607

[CCE-27213-8] [audit _rules _dac _modification _setxattr]

RHEL-07-030440 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the setxattr, fsetxattr, lsetxattr, removexattr, fremovexattr and lremovexattr syscalls.

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 552

[CCE-27364-9] [audit _rules _dac _modification _chown]

RHEL-07-030370 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the chown, fchown, fchownat and lchown syscalls.

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 546

[CCE-27339-1] [audit _rules _dac _modification _chmod]

RHEL-07-030410 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must audit all uses of the chmod, fchmod and fchmodat syscalls.

Not supported. Only available to root. Root account is restricted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 544

[audit _rules _augenrules]

Check use of augenrules

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 542

[audit _rules _auditctl]

Check use of auditctl

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 525

[CCE-26952-2] [aide _periodic _cron _checking]

Configure Periodic Execution of AIDE

Not supported. Command not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 518

[CCE-80205-8] [accounts _umask _etc _login _defs]

RHEL-07-020240 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must define default permissions for all authenticated users in such a way that the user can only read and modify their own files.

Not supported. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 510

[accounts _tmout]

RHEL-07-040160 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that all network connections associated with a communication session are terminated at the end of the session or after 15 minutes of inactivity from the user at a command prompt, except to fulfill documented and validated mission requirements.

Not supported. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 486

[accounts _password _pam _unix _remember] [CCE-26923-3]

Limit Password Reuse

supported. Only a limited number of accounts on system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 484

[CCE-27200-5] [accounts _password _pam _ucredit]

Set Password ucredit Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 481

[CCE-27160-1] [accounts _password _pam _retry]

Set Password retry Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 478

[CCE-27360-7] [accounts _password _pam _ocredit]

Set Password ocredit Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 476

[CCE-27293-0] [accounts _password _pam _minlen]

Set Password minlen Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 474

[CCE-27115-5] [accounts _password _pam _minclass]

Set Password minclass Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 472

[CCE-27333-4] [accounts _password _pam _maxrepeat]

Set Password maxrepeat Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 470

[CCE-27512-3] [accounts _password _pam _maxclassrepeat]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that when passwords are changed the number of repeating characters of the same character class must not be more than four characters.

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 468

[CCE-27345-8] [accounts _password _pam _lcredit]

Set Password lcredit Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 466

[CCE-26631-2] [accounts _password _pam _difok]

Set Password difok Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 464

[accounts _password _pam _pwquality]

Check pam _pwquality Existence in system-auth

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 463

[CCE-27214-6] [accounts _password _pam _dcredit]

Set Password dcredit Requirements

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 449

[CCE-27081-9] [accounts _max _concurrent _login _sessions]

Set Maximum Number of Concurrent Login Sessions Per User

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 443

[CCE-27471-2] [account _disable _post _pw _expiration]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must disable account identifiers (individuals, groups, roles, and devices) if the password expires.

Not supported. Pam not installed. No additional users may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 304

[sysctl _static _net _ipv6 _conf _all _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv6.conf .all.accept _source _route Parameter Configuration Check

net.ipv6.conf .default.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 303

[CCE-80179-5] [sysctl _net _ipv6 _conf _all _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv6.conf .all.accept _source _route Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

net.ipv6.conf .default.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 297

[sysctl _kernel _ipv6 _disable]

Kernel Runtime Parameter IPv6 Check

net.ipv6.conf .all.disable _ipv6 = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 285

[sysctl _static _net _ipv4 _icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts]

Kernel net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts Parameter Configuration Check

net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 284

[CCE-80165-4] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts]

Kernel net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 283

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv4 _conf _default _send _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf .default.send _redirects Parameter Runtime Check

net.ipv4.conf .default.send _redirects = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 282

[sysctl _static _net _ipv4 _conf _default _send _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf .default.send _redirects Parameter Configuration Check

net.ipv4.conf .default.send _redirects = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 281

[CCE-80156-3] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _default _send _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf. default.send _redirects Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

net.ipv4.conf. default.send _redirects = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 271

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv4 _conf _default _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf .default.accept _source _route Parameter Runtime Check

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 270

[sysctl _static _net _ipv4 _conf _default _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf .default.accept _source _route Parameter Configuration Check

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 269

[CCE-80162-1] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _default _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf .default.accept _source _route Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 266

[CCE-80163-9] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _default _accept _redirects]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must prevent Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) redirect messages from being accepted.

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _redirects = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 263

[CCE-80156-3] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _all _send _redirects]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must not send Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) redirects.

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _redirects = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 179

RHEL-07-010343 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must require re-authentication when using the sudo command.

Not applicable. No additional uses may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 178

RHEL-07-010342 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must use the invoking user password for privilege escalation when using sudo.

Not applicable. No additional uses may be added to the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 176

[CCE-80351-0] [sudo _remove _nopasswd]

Ensure NOPASSWD Is Not Used in Sudo

sudoers file is not editable without root access.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 169


RHEL-07-020250 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be a vendor supported release

Not Red Hat.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1428

[system _info _architecture _ppc _64]

Test for PPC and PPCLE Architecture

Not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1417

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv6 _conf _all _disable _ipv6]

Kernel net.ipv6.conf .all.disable _ipv6 Parameter Runtime Check

net.ipv6.conf .all.disable _ipv6 = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1416

[sysctl _static _net _ipv6 _conf _all _disable _ipv6]

Kernel net.ipv6.conf .all.disable _ipv6 Parameter Configuration Check

net.ipv6.conf .all.disable _ipv6 = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1405

[CCE-80437-7] [sssd _enable _pam _services]

Configure PAM in SSSD Services

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1367

[CCE-27104-9] [set _password _hashing _algorithm _systemauth]

Set Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/pam.d/system-auth

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1363

[CCE-27053-8] [set _password _hashing _algorithm _libuserconf]

Set SHA512 Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/libuser.conf

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1319

[CCE-26971-2] [partition _for _var _log _audit]

Ensure /var/log/audit Located On Separate Partition

Not applicable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1315

[CCE-26404-4] [partition _for _var]

Ensure /var Located On Separate Partition

Not applicable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1311

[CCE-80144-9] [partition _for _home]

Ensure /home Located On Separate Partition

Not applicable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 126

[CCE-80359-3] [grub2 _enable _fips _mode]

Enable FIPS Mode in GRUB2

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1141

[kernel _module _usb-storage _disabled]

Disable usb-storage Kernel Module

Kernel does not support modules.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1117

[CCE-27503-2] [gid _passwd _group _same]

All GIDs Are Present In /etc/group


oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 110

[CCE-80347-8] [ensure _gpgcheck _local _packages]

Ensure gpgcheck Enabled for Local Packages

gpgcheck not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 108

[CCE-80346-0] [clean _components _post _updating]

Ensure YUM Removes Previous Package Versions

YUM is not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1027

[CCE-26989-4] [ensure _gpgcheck _globally _activated]

Ensure Yum gpgcheck Globally Activated

YUM is not supported.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1020

[display _login _attempts]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must display the date and time of the last successful account logon upon logon.





Reference ID



oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 999


Gnome lock-delay setting lock

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 988

[CCE-80112-6] [dconf _gnome _screensaver _lock _enabled]

Enable GNOME3 Screensaver Lock After Idle Period

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 985

[CCE-80370-0] [dconf _gnome _screensaver _lock _delay]

Enable GNOME3 Screensaver Lock Delay After Idle Period

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 981

[CCE-80110-0] [dconf _gnome _screensaver _idle _delay]

Configure the GNOME3 GUI Screen locking

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 978

[CCE-80111-8] [dconf _gnome _screensaver _idle _activation _enabled]

Enable GNOME3 Screensaver Idle Activation

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 93703

[package _vsftpd _removed]

The operating system must prevent a user from overriding the screensaver idle-activation-enabled setting for the graphical user interface.

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 92515

Smartcard authentication enabled for graphical user logon.

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 924

[enable _dconf _user _profile]

Implement Local DB for DConf User Profile

Not applicable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 923

[package _dconf _installed]

Package dconf Installed

Not applicable.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 922

[CCE-26970-4] [dconf _gnome _banner _enabled]

Enable GNOME3 Login Warning Banner

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 87041

The operating system must have the required packages for multifactor authentication installed.

Multifactor not supportted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86875

Package openssh-server is version 7.4 or higher

openssh 9.0 installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 526

[package _aide _installed]

Package aide Installed

Not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 4248

[package _openssh-server _installed] [CCE-80215-7]

Package openssh-server Installed

openssh 9.0 installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 171

[CCE-80223-1] [sshd _use _priv _separation]

Use Privilege Separation

UsePrivilegeSeparation yes

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 168

[CCE-27455-5] [sshd _use _approved _macs]

RHEL-07-040400 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that the SSH daemon is configured to only use Message Authentication Codes (MACs) employing FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic hash algorithms

Configurable by customer through admin ui.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 166

[CCE-80225-6] [sshd _print _last _log]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must display the date and time of the last successful account logon upon SSH logon.


oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 164

[CCE-80222-3] [sshd _enable _strictmodes]

Enable SSH Server Strict Mode

StrictModes yes

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 162

[CCE-80221-5] [sshd _disable _kerb _auth]

Disable Kerberos Authentication

Configurable by customer through admin ui.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 160

[CCE-80220-7] [sshd _disable _gssapi _auth]

Disable GSSAPI Authentication

Configurable by customer through admin ui.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 156

[package _openssh-server _removed]

Package openssh-server Removed

openssh 9.0 installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1399

[CCE-27295-5] [sshd _use _approved _ciphers]

RHEL-07-040110 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system must implement DoD-approved encryption to protect the confidentiality of SSH connections

Configurable by customer through admin ui.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1393

[CCE-27082-7] [sshd _set _keepalive]

Set ClientAliveCountMax for User Logins

ClientAliveInterval 600

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1389

[CCE-80226-4] [sshd _enable _forwarding]

RHEL-07-040710 - Disable X11 Forwarding

Gnome or X11 UI package not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1385

[CCE-27363-1] [sshd _do _not _permit _user _env]

Do Not Allow Users to Set Environment Options

X11Forwarding no

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1383

[CCE-80372-6] [sshd _disable _user _known _hosts]

Disable SSH Support for User Known Hosts

IgnoreUserKnownHosts no

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1381

[CCE-27445-6] [sshd _disable _root _login]

Disable root Login via SSH

Root ssh not supportted.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1379

[CCE-80373-4] [sshd _disable _rhosts _rsa]

Disable SSH Support for Rhosts RSA Authentication

RhostsRSAAuthentication no

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1377

[CCE-27377-1] [sshd _disable _rhosts]

Disable .rhosts Files

IgnoreRhosts yes

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1340

[CCE-27157-7] [rpm _verify _hashes]

Verify File Hashes with RPM

RPM not supporttted

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1309

[CCE-27399-5] [package _ypserv _removed]

Package ypserv Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1305

[CCE-27218-7] [package _xorg-x11-server-common _removed]

Package xorg-x11-server-common Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1301

[package _vsftpd _removed]

Package vsftpd Removed

vsftpd required for some customers.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1296

[CCE-80213-2] [package _tftp-server _removed]

Package tftp-server Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1292

[package _telnet-server _removed] [CCE-27165-0]

Package telnet-server Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 128

[package _dracut-fips _installed]

Package dracut-fips Installed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1271

[CCE-27342-5] [package _rsh-server _removed]

Package rsh-server Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 127

[disable _prelink]

Disable Prelinking

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1264

[package _net-snmp _removed]

Package net-snmp Removed

net-snmp required for some customers.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1122

[CCE-80105-0] [gnome _gdm _disable _guest _login]

Disable GDM Guest Login

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1120

[package _gdm _installed]

Package gdm Installed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1119

[CCE-80104-3] [gnome _gdm _disable _automatic _login]

Disable GDM Automatic Login

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1017

[package _prelink _removed]

Package prelink Removed

Package not installed. (See open source package listing)

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1011

[CCE-27413-4] [disable _host _auth]

Disable Host-Based Authentication

Pam module not installed.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1

[cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise _linux:7] [installed _OS _is _rhel7]

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Not Red Hat.




Reference ID



oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 455

[CCE-27002-5] [accounts _minimum _age _login _defs]

Set Password Expiration Parameters

Default settings. No additional users may be added.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 453

[CCE-27051-2] [accounts _maximum _age _login _defs]

Set Password Expiration Parameters

Default settings. No additional users may be added.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 305

[sysctl_runtime _net _ipv6 _conf _all _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv6.conf .all.accept _source _route Parameter Runtime Check

net.ipv4.conf .all.accept _source _route = 0

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 286

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv4 _icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts]

Kernel net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts Parameter Runtime Check

net.ipv4.icmp _echo _ignore _broadcasts = 1

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1391

[CCE-27433-2] [sshd _set _idle _timeout]

Set OpenSSH Idle Timeout Interval

ClientAliveInterval 600

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 101

[CCE-80352-8] [accounts _logon _fail _delay]

Ensure that FAIL_DELAY is Configured in /etc/login.defs



No response provided.



Reference ID


oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95719


Set the UEFI Boot Loader Password

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 95717


Set Boot Loader Password (BIOS) for RHEL 7.2 and up

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86903

There must be no shosts.equiv files on the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86901

There must be no .shosts files on the system.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86635

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that all local interactive users have a home directory assigned in the /etc/passwd file.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86609


File system automounter must be disabled unless required.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 86551

Passwords must be restricted to a 1 day minimum lifetime.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 548

[system _info _architecture _64bit]

Test for 64-bit Architecture

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 457

[CCE-27175-9] [accounts _no _uid _except _zero]

UID 0 Belongs Only To Root

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 447

[CCE-80434-4] [accounts _have _homedir _login _defs]

Ensure new users receive home directories

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 292

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv4 _ip _forward]

Kernel net.ipv4.ip _forward Parameter Runtime Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 291

[sysctl _static _net _ipv4 _ip _forward]

Kernel net.ipv4.ip _forward Parameter Configuration Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 290

[CCE-80157-1] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _ip _forward]

Kernel net.ipv4.ip _forward Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 251

[CCE-27434-0] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _all _accept _source _route]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf.all.accept _source _route Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 250

[sysctl _runtime _net _ipv4 _conf _all _accept _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf.all.accept _redirects Parameter Runtime Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 249

[sysctl _static _net _ipv4 _conf _all _accept _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf.all.accept _redirects Parameter Configuration Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 248

[CCE-80158-9] [sysctl _net _ipv4 _conf _all _accept _redirects]

Kernel net.ipv4.conf.all.accept _redirects Parameter Configuration and Runtime Check

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 177

RHEL-07-010341 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must restrict privilege elevation to authorized personnel.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 173

[CCE-80350-2] [sudo _remove _no _authenticate]

Ensure !authenticate Is Not Used in Sudo

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 158

[CCE-80224-9] [sshd _disable _compression]

Disable Compression Or Set Compression to delayed

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1427

[system _info _architecture _x86 _64]

Test for x86 _64 Architecture

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1375

[CCE-27471-2] [sshd _disable _empty _passwords]

Disable Empty Passwords

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1373

[CCE-27320-1] [sshd _allow _only _protocol2]

Ensure Only Protocol 2 Connections Allowed

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1369

[CCE-27386-2] [snmpd _not _default _password]

SNMP default communities disabled

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1365

[CCE-27124-7] [set _password _hashing _algorithm _logindefs]

Set SHA512 Password Hashing Algorithm in /etc/login.defs

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1229

[CCE-27286-4] [no _empty _passwords]

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must not allow accounts configured with blank or null passwords.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 120

[CCE-27311-0] [file _permissions _sshd _pub _key]

SSHD Service Public Key Permissions

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1186

[CCE-80240-5] [mount _option _nosuid _remote _filesystems]

Mount Remote Filesystems with nosuid

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 118

[CCE-27485-2] [file _permissions _sshd _private _key]

RHEL-07-040420 - The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must be configured so that the SSH private host key files have mode 0640 or less permissive.

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1178

[CCE-80436-9] [mount _option _noexec _remote _filesystems]

Mount Remote Filesystems with noexec

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 116

[CCE-80378-3] [file _owner _cron _allow]

Verify user who owns cron.allow file

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 114

[CCE-80379-1] [file _groupowner _cron _allow]

Verify group who owns cron.allow file

oval:mil.disa.stig.rhel7:def: 1009

[CCE-80136-5] [dir _perms _world _writable _system _owned]

Find world writable directories not group-owned by a system account