What’s New#

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4-PB5#

  • VOSS-1261: Implement Simpler License Audit Logic Across the Insights and Automate Products. See: License Audit Report File Details

    Added details on version 5.0.0 licensing audit command and output

  • VOSS-1261: Implement Simpler License Audit Logic Across the Insights and Automate Products. See: License Counting Details

    Added details on version 5.0.0 licensing audit command and output

  • VOSS-1261: Implement Simpler License Audit Logic Across the Insights and Automate Products. See: License Counting Process

    Added details on version 5.0.0 licensing audit command and output

  • VOSS-1261: Implement Simpler License Audit Logic Across the Insights and Automate Products. See: Process Command Details

    Added details on version 5.0.0 licensing audit command and output

  • VOSS-1363: Add additional file in License audit zip that includes the count of Microsoft license usage. See: License Counting Details

    Added details to the documentation for the updated license audit zip file for Microsoft license usage.

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4-PB4#

  • N/A

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4-PB3#

  • N/A

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4-PB2#

  • VOSS-1138: (EKB-15973: Create Webex devices SDE export file). See: Webex Devices Data Export

    Added details on Webex Calling numbers, licenses, user management and data export (SDE) reports.

  • VOSS-1138: (EKB-15971: Update webex_teams SDE report). See: Webex Teams Data Export

    Added details on Webex Calling numbers, licenses, user management and data export (SDE) reports.

  • VOSS-1138: (EKB-15972: Create new Webex workspaces SDE file). See: Webex Workspaces Data Export

    Added details on Webex Calling numbers, licenses, user management and data export (SDE) reports.

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4-PB1#

  • EKB-14921: Add entitlement profile into SDE files for Microsoft-only users (no Cisco). See: MS Office 365 Data Export

    Added details on entitlement profile in mso365, msteams SDE files.

  • EKB-14921: Add entitlement profile into SDE files for Microsoft-only users (no Cisco). See: MS Teams Data Export

    Added details on entitlement profile in mso365, msteams SDE files.

  • EKB-14929: Fix MS related SDE reports to use the correct data/User foreign key. See: MS Office 365 Data Export

    Added details on username fieldmapping.

  • EKB-14929: Fix MS related SDE reports to use the correct data/User foreign key. See: MS Teams Data Export

    Added details on username fieldmapping.

Licensing and Subscriber Data Export Guide: Release 21.4#

  • N/A