
The data of a resource is an object containing all the required and set fields of a model.

The data instance shows names as they are defined in the schema of the resource while the values of the names are contained in the instance.

Example of a single data instance of a resource of model type data and model name CallManager.

data: {
    iso_country_code: "AUS"
    pkid: "51ef319c746fae3622c710e4"
    pstn_access_prefix: "9"
    service_access_prefix: "13"
    default_user_locale: "English United States"
    network_locale: "United States"
    premium_access_prefix: "8"
    international_access_prefix: "011"
    country_name: "Australia"
    international_dial_code: "61"
    emergency_access_prefix: "000"
    national_trunk_prefix: "0"
    hierarchy_path: "sys"