Quick Subscriber#

This procedure displays and updates a Microsoft user, and moves the user to the correct site, with all configuration and licensing applied.


Quick Subscriber simplifies onboarding with the use of Quick Add Groups (QAGs). QAGs are service and policy assignment templates that allow you to pre-configure how calling rights, policies, and services are assigned to users based on their user role.

When updating a user via Quick Subscriber, you select the relevant QAG, and the automated workflows in VOSS Automate handles the required cloud sync and licensing. The workflow also removes the need for an administrator to check the licensing, or to flag the required policies and settings individually, and then to wait for the cloud to sync in.


  • Sync in the MS Teams user to the Customer level

  • Set up the site defaults and QAG with the appropriate configuration and licenses.

Perform these steps:

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal as a Provider admin, at the Customer level.

  2. Go to (default menu) MS Subscriber Management > Quick Subscriber.

  3. Choose the relevant site.

  4. On the Quick Subscriber page:

    • Required. In the Username field, select the user to populate fields on the page.


      This workflow is intended for Microsoft-only users. When choosing a hybrid user with Cisco-Microsoft services, you’ll need to work with this user via the Hybrid multi vendor actions. The Hybrid Status Message field displays the user’s hybrid status. See Hybrid Cisco-Microsoft Management

    • To include users higher in the hierarchy in the Username drop-down, select Include users at higher hierarchy.

    • To send a subscriber a welcome email once they’re set up, select Send welcome email.


      • You must have a SMTP server set up to send emails.

      • The read-only User status field displays the user’s current status; that is, whether they are online, in staging, or not yet provisioned.

      • The value in the read-only Feature type field defines whether this Microsoft user has MS Teams with or without the voice service. The user has MS Teams and voice service when feature type displays both Teams and PhoneSystem

    • Required. From the Quick Add Group drop-down, select the relevant Quick Add Group (QAG) (licenses the user and applies settings defined in the QAG).

      The list of available Quick Add Groups are filtered by vendor (see Quick Add Subscriber Groups Vendor Filtering) and restricted according to the Global Setting on the General Settings tab called Quick Add Group lookup level. See: Global Settings.

      Quick Add Groups support group licensing for MS 365 groups, so that subscribers can be licensed according to group membership. Refer to:


      If an existing user is holding a particular license is assigned a Quick Add Group where the group license provides additional services (for example, from existing IM services only to Voice services), the user license is updated as follows:

      • the user is either placed in the staging queue (see: Microsoft Subscriber Staging) until the license update is synced and then provisioned with services, or

      • the user is provisioned without a staging process.

    • From the Line URI drop-down, choose a number; alternatively, select Use next available line to automatically populate the Line URI field with the next available line.


      • The Line URI and Use next available line fields display only when Feature Type is PhoneSystem, or Manage Licenses is enabled (via the MS Teams tab in the site default docs).

      • The Enterprise Voice Enabled option has been deprecated since PowerShell V4.0.0. Setting Enterprise Voice Enabled is no longer required. Thus, to enable a licensed user for Enterprise Voice in Quick Subscriber, assign a line (choose a number from Line URI) and ensure that the Feature Type field displays value Teams, PhoneSystem. Alternatively, choose a Quick Add Group that has a configuration template set up to enable Enterprise Voice for licensed users, regardless of whether a line is assigned.

        If you wish to disable Enterprise Voice for this user (or enable it again in future), you can do so via the user’s account settings (relation/MicrosoftSubscriber). See Microsoft Subscribers

      • The Line URI drop-down displays available lines (staged lines are excluded), with the vendor and line type shown in brackets, for example, Microsoft - CallingPlan. Lines types may be: Direct Routing, Calling Plan, or Operator Connect

      • When choosing a line, the INI will eventually update to this number.

      • The default for Use next available line is False (disabled).

        When selecting Use next available line:

        • If the user does not already have a line, they are assigned the next available line.

        • If the user has an existing line, this line is replaced by the next available line.

        • Staged numbers are considered unavailable and will not be used.

    • Optionally, from the Tenant dial plan field, choose a tenant dial plan.


      Choosing a tenant dial plan different from the default set up in the site defaults (SDD) overwrites the default. If you don’t choose an option for this field, the tenant dial plan set up in the SDD applies.

    • From Calling Line Identity, assign a calling line identity for this user, or use the value that comes from the QAG.

    • Click Save.

  5. Go to MS Subscriber Management > Subscriber Staging to view the user in the staging queue.


    The user is placed in the staging queue (with all configuration applied) while waiting for the cloud to sync in. Once the licensed user appears in the Microsoft Teams portal, a second, targeted sync is triggered, which searches only for staged users (not all users from the tenant). Once the sync completes, the user becomes a fully provisioned subscriber, and the number is flagged as used. The subscriber receives a welcome email (if you’ve chosen this option, and you have a SMTP server configured).

    Starting with VOSS Automate v21.3-PB1, you can, with immediate effect, un-stage a user waiting in the staging queue. This executes a direct sync to the Microsoft cloud to determine whether the user has appeared in MS Teams after their licensing update.

  6. Verify that the subscriber is configured and licensed:

    • Go to (default menu) Subscriber Management > Subscribers.


      The Located At column on the Subscriber list displays the hierarchy location of each subscriber added to the system, for example, customer or site.

    • Click on the subscriber to open the Subscribers[name] page.

    • On the MS Licenses tab, view the subscriber’s license details.

    • On the MS Teams tab, verify the following:

      • The user’s number is allocated

      • Policies are assigned

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