Request and Response Patterns#

The request and response patterns between service requester and VOSS Automate is summarized below. For details, refer to the topics in the chapter called Anatomy of an API Response.

For synchronous operations:

  1. Service Requestor sends a accessor (e.g. Get, List) request with request parameters to VOSS Automate.

  2. Either:

    1. VOSS Automate responds synchronously with a Get/List response.

    2. VOSS Automate responds synchronously with a fault response.

For asynchronous operations:

  1. Service Requestor sends a mutator (e.g. Add, Modify, Delete) request with parameters.

  2. The Add/Update/Delete transaction is scheduled on the VOSS Automate transaction queue with a transactionID.

  3. VOSS Automate responds synchronously with either:

    1. An Add/Update/Delete response and a transactionID.

    2. A fault response.

  4. The external system either:

    1. Polls the system to retrieve the status of the transaction as needed, or

    2. Specifies a callback URL (with an optional username and password if the interface is secured (recommended)) and waits for a asynchronous transaction status callback (recommended).

      When the transaction completes, VOSS Automate sends an async transaction status callback message to the callback URL specified in the request.